Page 17 - AL-Awsath
P. 17
Rancangan Gedung Sekolah
Construction Plan of School Building
Pesantren Al Awsath direncanakan The Al Awsath Islamic Boarding School is
menerima santri putra dengan kapasitas planned to accept male students with a
asrama dan ruang kelas sebanyak 600 dormitory and classroom capacity of 600
santri putra. Dalam pelaksanaannya akan male students.In its implementation,
dipisah antara santri Tsanawiyah dan Tsanawiyah and Aliyah students will be
Aliyah, baik ruang kelas maupun asrama. separated, both in classrooms and
Kapasitas kelas mampu menampung 30 dormitories. Class capacityable to
santri per kelas. Ruanga sekolah juga accommodate 30 students per class. School
dilengkapi dengan berbagai teknologi rooms are also equipped with various
pembelajaran; projector, komputer, dan learning technologies; projector,computers,
lainnya. and others.
Khidmatu Izzatil Ummah Fondation - 2024 15