Page 19 - AL-Awsath
P. 19

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                                                                                          YAYASAN KHIDMATU IZZATIL UMMAH

                                    Rancangan Rumah Guru

                                         Construction Plan of Housing

            Fasilitas lain yang akan disediakan dalam         Another facility that will be provided at the Al
            lokasi  kampus  Al  Awsath  adalah  tempat        Awsath campus location is a residence for
            tinggal  para  asatiz  yang  telah  menikah.      married asatiz. They will be provided with
            Meraka akan diberikan fasilitas hunian yang       adequate housing facilities so that they can
            layak  sehingga  dapat  memberikan                provide  comfort  to  the  teachers  at  this
            kenyamanan  kepada  para  pengajar  di            Islamic boarding school
            pesantren ini.

 Khidmatu Izzatil Ummah Fondation - 2024 17
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