Page 212 - Fighting Fit: Boxing, Workouts, Techniques, and Sparring
P. 212




             Although in boxing it’s commonly referred to as road-
             work, cardiovascular training can take many forms.
             Whether working on a Stairmaster, recumbent bike or
             actually taking it to the road, the key is to make sure
             you’re in your cardiovascular target zone.

             Each person has a cardiovascular target zone within
             which physical activity must be maintained in order to
             build cardiovascular fitness.To reach this zone you
             must maintain 60–80% of your maximal heart rate for
             at least 20–30 minutes per workout.

             A simple way to determine your target zone is to sub-
             tract your age from 220 and multiply the difference by
             .60 and .80.The lower number gives you a target for an
             easy day.The higher number is your target for a hard
             training day.

             To determine heart rate at any given time, take your
             pulse for ten seconds and multiply that count by six.

             One breath, one sentence method
             A rough but effective way to reach your target zone is
             to exercise until you cannot speak a complete sentence
             without taking a breath. If you can recite the sentence
             without doing so you are not there yet. If you cannot
             say the sentence without stopping twice for air, you are

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