Page 217 - Fighting Fit: Boxing, Workouts, Techniques, and Sparring
P. 217


           EQUIPMENT                       7002 West Butler Pike
           Your local sporting goods store  Ambler, PA 19002-5147
           or outlet will have stuff, but I  215-643-6385
           suggest you buy directly from
           one of the top manufacturers.   Hispanics in Boxing
                                           R. Paniagua, Incorporated
           Everlast                        155 East 42nd Street
           718-993-0100                    Suite 206
                                           New York, NY 10017-5618
           Ringside                        212-983-4444
                 International Boxing Digest
                                           (Boxing Illustrated)
           Title                           International Sports Ltd.
           1-800-999-1213                  530 Fifth Avenue
              Suite 430
                                           New York, NY 10036
           MAGAZINES                       212-730-1374
           The Boxing Record Book
           Fight Fax, Inc.                 Ring Rhetoric
           PO Box 896                      American Association for the
           Sicklerville, NJ 08081-0896     Improvement of Boxing
           609-782-8868                    86 Fletcher Avenue
                                           Mount Vernon, NY 10552-3319
           Boxing USA                      914-664-4571
           United States Amateur Boxing,
           Inc. (USA Boxing)               MOVIES
           One Olympic Plaza               That Hollywood has had a
           Colorado Springs, CO 80909      strong interest in boxing over
           719-578-4506                    the years shouldn’t be sur-
                                           prising.The sport brings it all to
           Boxing (year)                   the table: violent conflict,
           KO Magazine                     courage, redemption, individual
           Ring                            struggle, good guys, bad guys ...
           Ring Boxing Almanac             the whole enchilada. Since
            and Book of Facts              1922 over 130 films have been
           Ring Extra                      made about boxing. Here’s a
           Ring Presents                   small, yet sparkling, sampling
           World Boxing                    that spans six decades. Note
           All the above are published by  that they feature some of
           London Publishing Company       Hollywood’s greatest stars.

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