Page 219 - Fighting Fit: Boxing, Workouts, Techniques, and Sparring
P. 219 seen every night of the week
during the 1950s and its ratings
World Boxing Council (WBC) rivaled those of I Love Lucy.
Genova 33, Oficina 503
Colonia Juarez These networks and programs
Cuauhtemoc provide the action as this book
06600 Mexico City, DF, Mexico goes to print:
World Boxing ESPN
Organization (WBO)
412 Colorado Avenue ESPN2
Aurora, IL 60506 Especially notable about ESPN2
630-897-4765 are the Friday Night Fights.This
Fax 630-897-1134 show features good fighters,
great commentary (Teddy Atlas
Other boxing organizations will teach you something new
American Association each week), boxing news and
for the Improvement of Boxing clips of historic boxing
36 Fletcher Avenue matches. Great stuff!
Mount Vernon, NY 10552
914-664-4571 Fox Sport Network
International Boxing HBO’s Boxing After Dark
Writers Association
50 Mary Street Pay-Per-View
Tappan, NY 10983
914-359-6334 Showtime Feature Events
International Veteran USA’s Tuesday Night Fights
Boxers Association
35 Brady Avenue VIDEOS
New Rochelle, NY 10805 Blockbuster
914-235-6820 Look in the sports or special
Fax 914-654-9785 interest sections.You may be
surprised. In my local outlet I
TELEVISION found six hard-core boxing
There’s lots of boxing on the videos including tapes on Julio
tube. Check your listings. By the Caesar Chavez, Mike Tyson,
way, when television first Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray
began, boxing was one of its Robinson.
biggest draws. Boxing could be