Page 123 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 123


1 What do they wish for? Listen and write L (Lucas), R (Rosy) or A (Akram). ~ 124

                    1 go to England                         0           .
                    2 no hungry people in the world         0
!i~1.    v....)  0  3 camcorder                             0
                    4 three more wishes                     0
.  0...             5 brother                               0
                    6 no extinct animals                    0
                    7 no earthquakes                        0
                    8 MP3 player
                    9 grandmother get better                []



2 Imagine the fish is giving you three wishes. What are they? And why?

      My first wish is for ... a computer because ...
   My second wish is to ... visit a rainforest because ...

          My third wish is for / to ... because ...

Writing preparation                  3 Circle the commas and question

We use speech marks to show that          marks before the speech marks. Then
someone is speaking. A comma or          underline the different verbs used.
a question mark is placed inside         1 "I wish these were sausage~ he said.
the speech marks.
                                         2 "Why didn't you wish for something
   " Fish don't speak," said                 better?" asked the woman.
   the fisherman's wife.
We can also cut the sentence into        3 "You silly man;' the fisherman's
two parts. Look at the punctuation!          wife said.

   " Please throw me back in the         4 "I wish;' said the man sadly, "for the
   sea;' the fish said, "and I will          sausages to go away:'
   give you three wishes."
                                         5 "My wife will be happy now;'
                                             said the man, "we will eat
                                             this fish for dinner:'

                                                            Listenin9. speakin9. writin9
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