Page 124 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 124

        1 Listen, read and say. ~ 125

I~~b::! Hi. Are you on your own?                I~~~ Do you want to play a skipping game?
I~~~= Yes. My best friend is off school today.
                                                rr. Yes, please. That sounds fun.
               You can play with us!

2 Listening Listen and circle the correct word. ~ 126
   1 Robert usually plays with his sister /€b?ot~/ Tom.

    2 Kevin's off school because he's got a headache I a stomach ache / an earache.
    3 Robert can play with Tom and Dave / his dad / his brother.
    4 They are going to play basketball / volleyball / football.
    5 Robert thinks it will be interesting / exciting / fun.

3 Speaking Talk with your friend.

        basketball chess football frisbee on the climbing frame
                   with yoyos a skipping game a computer game

Are you on your own?                            Yes, my best friend is
                                                  off school today.

  /-- You can play with us.)                    ( Thanks.~

<DO you want to play chess?)                            ~

                                                ( That sounds fun. /
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