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P. 130

• xtensive reading: Science

1 Look at the pictures. What job did Marie Curie do?

- . . . .2 Listen and read. ~ 129                    A talented family

 Marie Curie                                         As well as the
                                                     achievements of Marie and
t Can you imagine a world                            her husband, Pierre, their

without X-rays? X-rays let                           daughters, Irene and Eve,

doctors see your bones, so they                      were also very successful.

know if you have a broken arm                        Irene, the older daughter, also became a famous

or leg. X-rays exist thanks to                       scientist and won a Nobel Prize for Chemistry. The

the work of a very important                         younger daughter, Eve, wrote a book about her

scientist called Marie Curie. She                    mother's life.

discovered radium, an element                        World War I
used in X-rays and treatments for cancer. Her

work was so important that Marie Curie was the During World War I, there were not enough X-ray

first woman to win a Nobel Prize and was also machines for the hospitals. Marie Curie made X-ray

the first person to ever win two Nobel Prizes.       machines that could move from hospital to hospital

Marie was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867.           in a truck. These trucks were called Little Curies and
She was the youngest of five children.               helped over one million soldiers during the war.

Her parents were both teachers. Science and          Safety
maths were her favourite subjects at school. As
her father was a maths teacher, he could help        Although radium is a very helpful element, no
her at home. When Marie left school, she wanted      one knew at the time that it can also be very
to be a scientist, but the family did not have       dangerous. Nowadays, people are much more
enough money for her to study. She worked as a       careful. Marie Curie did not wear protective
teacher to earn money, and read science books        clothing and often carried radioactive materials in
in her free time. She had to wait six years to have  her pockets. Sadly, Marie died in 1934 due to too
enough money to study. Finally, in 1891, Marie       much contact with the element. She will always
went to study Physics at a famous university         be remembered for her excellent contribution to
in France, called the Sorbonne. In France, she       science and to healthcare.

met her husband, Pierre Curie, who was a             Nobel Prizes are given each year to the best
famous scientist. They worked on complicated         scientists in the world. You have to discover
experiements together, and during these              something very important to receive this award.
experiments the new elements were found.

3 Read again and circle the correct word.            2 Marie and Pierre had two daughters I sons.
    1 Marie Curie was born in France I Poland.
                                                     4 Marie Curie's parents were scientists I
    3 Eve I Irene wrote a book about Marie              teachers.
        Curie's life.

4 Ask and answer.                                    2 What do you want to do when you grow up?
    1 Do you like Science? Why?

         Extensive reading: Marie Curie
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