Page 131 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 131

1 Look at the pictures. What do you know ab o ut robots?       2 Listen and read. ~ 130



Most people have seen films or                             The future
TV programmes with robots in                               of robots.:
them, but can you imagine a
world with real robots? Would                              In the future, robots will also do
you like a robot to cook your                              dangerous jobs like putting out fires,
dinner, clean your house or                                rescuing people after earthquakes
play football with you?                                    or going to dangerous places.They
                                                           may also teach in schools and help
There is a robot that can                                  with operations in hospitals. Special
do these things. Its name is                               robot arms in factories already
ASIMO and it is from Japan.                                make cars, and in the future more
ASIMO is the most advanced                                 things will be made by robots.
robot in the world. It is the first
robot to walk and run like a                               Although some robots look human,
human, and it can even climb                               we have to remember that they are
stairs. The robot can run at                               machines with computers inside.
6km per hour, about the same                               Robots can do many things, but
as a fast child.                                           they cannot think or feel.

ASIMO can also recognise

people's faces, their names,                               Whatever happens in the future,

and can understand their             ~~ __ ~               you will probably meet a robot like

commands. This robot can respond to what you say and       ASIMO one day.

it can learn to speak any language. ASIMO has arms and         .      .............................

hands, so it can open doors, carry things and turn lights  lA  Job    for ASIMO

on and off. ASIMO can help old people or people with

disabilities by doing jobs around the house. ASIMO can       ASIMO works as the receptionist at
                                                             the Honda offices in Japan. The robot
also play sports and other games, so it is very popular      meets visitors, talks to them and

with children. In fact, ASIMO is the same height as a ten•c..o.r.r.e..c.t..r.o.o..m..s............

year-old child, at 1.3 metres tall. The robot also looks

very friendly and playful.

3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).             2 Robots will put out fires.
                                                          4 Robots can't make cars.
    1 Asimo can run like a human.
    3 Robots can think and feel.

4 Ask and answer.

    1 Would you like to have an ASIMO robot? Why?
    2 What fil ms with robots have you seen? What can the robots do?

                                                                      Extensive reading: Robots
   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136