Page 14 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 14
    jLesson Five

1 What do you eat for breakfast?
2 Listen and read. ~ 09

 What do you like for breakfas:t?

  We a~ked four children about their favourite breakfa~t food~.

                         Hi. I'm Abd Allah from Egypt. I sometimes

                         eat bread with jam or cheese. But usually I eat

                         fuul and bread for breakfast. Fuul is mashed

                         beans. It's great with olive oil and flat bread.

                         . .I sometimes have an egg with it, too.
                                                                        ....... :

                         My name's Pete. I'm from Scotland. For            :

                         breakfast, I usually have a bowl of cereal        .

                         with milk, and then toast with butter. We           Hi. My name is
                         have lots of different cereals at home, but         Mariana and I'm
                         my favourite is cornflakes.                       . from Mexico. My
                         I don't have a very big breakfast because           favourite breakfast is huevos
                         I eat lunch early at school.                        rancheros: eggs cooked in

o Hi, everyone. I'm Huong and I come from                                          tomato and chilli sauce.
                                                                                   Under the eggs is a tortilla,

                         Vietnam. For breakfast, I usually have noodle which is a corn pancake.

                         soup. My grandma makes it every morning. : I always eat a big

                         Sometimes, I have xoi. These are balls of rice breakfast because we don't

                         with beans. They are wrapped in coconut                   have lunch at school.

                         leaves and are really yummy.

3 Underline these words in the text. Guess their meanings and
     then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionary (page 132).

       beans olive oil toast noodles coconut chilli corn pancake

4 Read again and write M (Mexico), 5 (Scotland), V (Vietnam) or E (Egypt).                                o

1 People have soup for breakfast.     [2J 2 People eat cereal with milk.

0 03 Breakfast here is a pancake with eggs.
                                      4 People eat mashed beans and bread.

5 The children have a big breakfast.  o 6 Some people have rice balls.                                    0

Unit 1 Words in context: What do you like for breakfast? Reading: a magazine article
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