Page 16 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 16                                           trumpet

    jLesson One Words

      1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 11

                                     drums ' instruments

     2 Listen and read. ~ 12

                                                                             I didn't know you played the guitar, Amy!

                                                                   I don't play the guitar. why? ~~~:=~

                                                                             But aren't you playing one in this picture?
                                                                                 No. That isn't a guitar!


Amy  So what instrument is this?                Max       Everyone was brilliant. The audience
     It looks like a little guitar.             Amy       clapped and cheered for ages.
     It's a violin! Look! It's on my shoulder.            I've got an idea. Why don't we have
     It's much smaller than a guitar!                     a concert here, for our family and friends?
                                                          Great idea! And let's make it a surprise!

14 Unit 2 The concert
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