Page 28 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 28

         1 Listen, read and say. ~ 25


              I'd like this sandwich with fries, rlease.                    ~~~ Can f have some more juice, rlease?
                                                                            ~~~ And can we have the bill, rlease?

~~~ Can f have this salad without onions?
e:!!!:~....Y:~Ies::..:...T:..:h.:.:a:::.t:~'s fine. Tha nk y_o_u_. _ _ _ _

2 Listening Listen and circle the correct word. ~ 26

   1 Mum wants coffee~/ without milk.

2 Tom wants a sandwich with / without onions.

3 Tom would like his sandwich with / without cucumber.

4 They want some more juice / water.

3 Speaking Talk with your friend.

sandwich pizza                           with                               tomatoes onions cucumber fries
    salad fish                         without                                cheese meat pineapple chilli

( juice         water coffee milk                                           bread rice J

I'd like this sandwich                                                      A sandwich with cheese.
with cheese, please.

         And I'd like this salad                                            ( Yes. That's fine. \ .
         without onions, please.

          Can I have some                                                   ( yes, sure. 1
         more water, please?

                                                                            [El~ Watch the DVD!

                                                                                                     .' .  .                             .

                                                                                                     -::..~. ~~li'J:!C;;_~~"~_ ~.: _,~.
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