Page 23 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 23                                                                    Lesson Two Grammar 1

       Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.
  2 Read and learn. 0lrr~gularverblistWorkbook4page 131

We went to the dinosaur museum.                                I saw dinosaurs.
We didn't go to school.
                                                               I didn't see fish.


                                                               buy - bought make - made

                                                               eat - ate           see - saw
                                                               go - went           think - thought
                                                               hear - heard        wear - wore
                                                               learn - learnt      write - wrote

_ Write.  We went (go) to                                                          1_ _ __
                                                                                   (not buy) a postcard.
~         the science museum

          My sister _ _ __                                                         We - - - -
          (see) her friends.                                                       (not eat) our

                                                                                   sandwiches inside.


'le 1 went (go) to a museum to learn about th e. life

children two thousand years ago. Most children

--en 2  (not go) to school and 3 _ _ __

ot learn) to read. Many children 4                             (play)

::a mes in the street and with yo-yos and wooden toys.

- ys5   (not wear) trousers. They 6 _ _ __

,'ear) short tunics, like a dress.

-- - plete Grammar Time Exercise I on page 125 of Workbook 4.  Past simple: irre9ular verbs with ne9atives Unit 3  21
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