Page 78 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 78

tienganhReedvu.iceowm 3                                p     Across

           1 Complete the crossword.                  a   .•. .8·:: ~.
                 Down                                 s        . {1~/ '
                                                      s       . .' .. . .'





2 Write.

channel programme camcorder the news                      documentary

I sometimes watch 1 cartoons after school,

before I do my homework. I love Bugs Bunny! But my

favourite 2            is a quiz show on Saturdays.

When it's finished, my sister changes the

3 to watch her favourite programme.

It's a 4 _ ....... _~  about life in space.

Sometimes on Saturday evenings, my family and I all

watch a film together. My dad took his 5             on holiday, so last Saturday,

we watched a DVD of us! It was good fun . Then my parents watched 6 _ _ _._._ _ ~.
They watch it every evening.

Read and circle. Then ask and answer.
1 How much / many time are you at school every day?
2 How much / many pens a re there in your pencil case?
3 How much / many books do you have on your desk?
4 How much / many money do you have in your pocket?

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