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P. 81

Describe the picture.     2 Listen and read. CB 79

The author lonathon Swift wrote his book Gulliver's Travels
'n 1735. It is still very popular today, after more t han 275
~ ears. There are also famous films of the story.

A voyage to Lilliput

M!:} name is Gulliver, and when I was a !:}oung man I went travelling. I joined a ship and sailed to
the islands of the South Pacific. It was a brilliant vo!:}age at first. We sailed across the Atlantic Ocean
a rid the Indian Ocean. Suddenl!:} there was a terrible storm and I fell into the water. Finall!:} I swam
to an island. I walked on the beach and looked around me. There were no people and no houses. I
\Vas ver!:} tired so I fell asleep on the sand.

When I woke up in the morning, I couldn't move. I was l!:}ing on
m!:} back and m!:} arms and m!:} legs were tied to the ground. I was
\'er!:} hot in the sun and I was frightened. Suddenl!:} I saw aver!:}
 mall man. He was about 15 centimetres tall and he was walking
on m!:} leg. Then I saw lots of small men on m!:} arms and m!:} legs.
I shouted and, in surprise, the men fell off m!:} bod!:}. Then I spoke to
:hem in English. The!:} didn't understand m!:} language, but the!:} saw
:hat I was friendl!:}.

I pointed at m!:} mouth to show I was hungr!:} and the!:} brought me some food. Their food was
Jormal, but it was ver!:}, ver!:} small and it meant I had to eat a lot. I ate lots of tin!:} loaves of bread
and lots of tin!:} pieces of cheese and a lot of meat. I finished m!:} meal and then hundreds of men
and thousands of horses carried me to their cit!:}. It was a ver!:} long journe!:}.

\\'hen I arrived at the cit!:}, I looked around me. The houses were smaller than m!:} feet and I was
. ig ger than the trees. The king and the people were kind to me so I sta!:}ed on the island. I learned
:hat I was in Lilliput and I learned their language. I pla!:}ed with their children and I gave them
:-resents such as m!:} watch and some coins. These things were enormous to them. Eventuall!:}, I left
:ie ciq,J and travelled again.

Read again and put the sentences in the correct order.         0
0a He went to an island.
                                b He had some food.

CD( He went on a ship.          d He went to a city.           0

0e He fell into the sea.        0f He saw some little men.

sk and answer.                  2 Would you like to travel by ship? Why?
 Did you enjoy the story? Why?
                                                                      Extensive reading: Culliver's travels
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