Page 93 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 93


  1 Listen and number. ~ 93



2 Listen again and circle. ~ 93

   1 Hillar~ and Tenzing's backpacks weighed@ /40 kilos.

    2 Sometimes the men had to climb walls of snow I ice.

    3 Tenzing didn't know how to use an axe I a camera.

    4 Hillar~'s friend brought snow I soup up the mountain for Hillar~ and Tenzing.

 Speaking                                                            1Dl\,Mt!¥'R

3 Interview Edmund Hillary or Tenzing Norgay.

    1 How man~ men took part in the expedition? 2 What did ~ou eat?

3 What was the weather like?    4 Where did ~ou sleep?

' 7How many men took part in the expedition? ( 382 men .. .

Writing preparation             4 Read the topic sentences and match

   e first sentence of each         them to the correct paragraph.
   ragraph tells ~ou what
:,1e rest of the paragraph          1 The expedition started in March 1953.
 - about. It is called a topic
se ntence.                          2 Since then, sev•eral people have climbed

  ount Everest is the highest     oMount Everest.
i ountain in the world. It is                 The oldest person to reach the top
-~ m ed after George Everest.                 of the mountain was Yuichiro Miura
- e was the first person to
-2cord the location and           o from Japan. He was 80 ~ears old. ...
-eight of the mountain.                     It took the team man~ weeks to get
                                              close to the top of the mountain. ...

                                Listening. speaking. writing Unit 11
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