Page 97 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 97                                             Lesson Four Phonics and Spelling

 1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 97  sand

    candle                         anim
      castle                       cere
      people                                                                            '"

 2 Listen and read. ~ 98                                    o Th'IS hosp.lta I'IS &lor anl•maIs.

                                                                 Vets work here and many sick
                                                                 animals stay here to get better.

 Many years ago, some ~ lived in castles.                   al

   ook at the picture. Can you see a woman wearing
 a purple dress and sandals?
 On the table there is a bowl of apples and a basket
 Eu ll of cereals. There are lots of candles because there
  .veren't any lights many years ago.

3 Read again. Circle the words ending in le and al.

    Now write the circled words in the correct boxes.



                                                            le and 01 endin9s Unit 12              9S
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