Page 128 - Qld Range Book August 2022
P. 128

SIENA FOODS  P T Y   L T D                                        ACN 064 527 251   ABN 16 064 527 251
                                            Adelaide   11 - 13 Opala Street,  Regency Park, South Australia  5010  Australia

                                              Brisbane  14/65 Christensen Road, Stapylton, Queensland  4207  Australia

                         Phone: (08)  8243 0233                                                     Fax: (08)  8243 1744
                         International Phone:  + 61 8 8243 0233                            International Fax:  + 61 8 8243 1744
                         Email:                                     Internet:

                         I M P O R T E R S                  D I S T R I B U T O R S                  P R O D U C E R S

                                                     Cheese Portions

                               Aged Parmesan - Complex flavour and granular texture, a result of the long aging.

                   Maasdam Cheese – Made from cow's milk, it is aged for at least four weeks & has internal voids, or holes from
                                          the ripening process, and a smooth, yellow rind.

                                                                                            CTN     UNIT
                    CODE       SIZE                     DESCRIPTION                    GST   QTY   PRICE

                    19587     500gm             AUSTRALIAN AGED PARMESAN               N/A   12    $8.95
                    19483     370gm            WESTZANER MAASDAM CHEESE                N/A   12    $6.50

                                  ‘ w e   p u t   f 	 a v   u r   i     y   u r     i t c h e   ’
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