Page 4 - july-august 2020
P. 4

word from the president

                      s your incoming 2020-2021 APGA             Thompson Gas   After serving in several roles for
                      President, I would like to thank the       Thompson Gas, I went to work in November 2018
                      APGA Board, Executive Director and         for Blossman Gas as the Business Development
            AAssociation Members for entrusting                  Manager for Alabama
            me with the opportunity and honor to serve as             I love to hunt and fish.  In addition, my wife,
            Secretary /Treasurer, Vice President and now as      Rhonda, and I have purchased an RV and are
            your new APGA President                              trying our luck at traveling in preparation for
                 Upon completing my education at                 retirement   RVing is an
            Jacksonville State University, I joined the Alabama   art and balancing act in
            Air National Guard  After nearly a year of travel    itself and requires much
            and training, I returned to my hometown of           planning  It is certainly not
            Gadsden, Alabama  Needing a job to hold              as easy as it is spelled   I
            me over until I could fulfill my career path I had   will just leave it at that
            prepared for, in September of 1987, thirty-two plus   Together, we have  three
            years ago, I met with and was hired by Armon         children and two “All Boy”
            Pugh. Armon was managing a branch office in          grandsons
            Gadsden that had recently been purchased                  No two seasons are
            by Ralph Rooney, President of Suburban Gas           ever the same   I have        uBill Mayou
            Incorporated  Ironically, Ralph was also the         seen really cold winters
            President of APGA that same year   SGI was a six     that test human limits as well as machinery
            branch regional propane operation at that time       Unfortunately, I have seen more than a fair share
                 I’m not sure anyone outside of a family         of warm, lean winters that challenge owners
            owned propane business grows up or goes to           and leadership to find creative ways and new
            school in preparation for a career in the propane    avenues for revenue streams   I liken the propane
            industry   Certainly, I did not  And thirty-two years   industry to the farming industry as much of its
            later, I am proud to say I have served in pretty     lifeline depends on the biggest mother of them
            much every role associated with the day-to-day       all   Mother Nature!
            operations of a propane company   In fact, one            As I sit here penning this article, I cannot
            of my early memories and achievements was            help but compare the current state of the country
            my record breaking day of personally filling 110     to the way any propane marketer turns on his/
            propane cylinders (mostly BBQ grill tanks) in a      her preferred news source in the wintertime to see
            single day on July 3, 1988.  That is definitely an   what the current and long term weather forecast
            accomplishment that I would NOT like to repeat!      will be  Hoping for a favorable forecast and cold
                 As many of you “industry veterans”              temperatures in the winter, I fear that most of us
            can attest to, I learned the old school way of       today watch the same news sources hoping for
            painting tanks, digging trenches, hauling tanks      favorable news regarding a variety of troubling
            and delivering propane without any electronic        issues  Let us pray for some sort of normalcy and
            assistance  I realized quickly though, if the        favorable direction in the very near future
            propane industry which I was fully invested and           Again, I am truly honored to have the
            entrenched in was to survive and thrive, it was      privilege to serve as President of APGA  I think
            going to have to keep up and modernize with the      of all who have held this title before me and
            ever changing and evolving times, as was I           I am humbled   Please get actively involved
                 Within a few years, I went to work for          Enroll and attend committee meetings, board
            Suburban Equipment Company and later                 meetings, and district meetings  And, certainly let
            became a branch manager for Suburban                 me know if I can assist you in anyway.■
            Gas   In 2005, Suburban Gas was purchased by

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