Page 10 - 2025 APGA online membership directory_neat
P. 10
The name of the Corporation shall be the ALABAMA PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION, INC (APGA), and its principal office
shall be located in the state of Alabama�
The purpose of the Corporation shall be to promote the general welfare of the Propane Gas Industry, as defined and outlined in
these By-Laws and in the Articles of Incorporation: to promote and develop the propane gas industry in the State of Alabama
and to coordinate its activities so that it may serve the best interests of the public, to promote safety, awareness, education, com-
petence and professionalism in the work place, to increase the effectiveness of the propane gas industry in the State of Alabama
for the benefit of the consumers, distributors and producers of propane gas, to enhance the highest efficiency of production, dis-
tribution, utilization and marketing in the propane gas industry and to collect, coordinate and disseminate ideas and information
for this purpose, to promote closer relations and cooperation at all levels of the propane gas industry, to advance knowledge and
learning in the indus try and to stimulate marketing and research, especially as it applies to the propane gas industry, to cooper-
ate with other organizations in efforts toward economic advancement, safety, conservation and standardization.
Section 1. The letters APGA shall be the symbolic abbreviation of the ALABAMA PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION, INC�
Section 2. The term “Industry” is defined to mean the business of manufacturing, selling and distributing propane gas and its
related equipment and services�
Section 1. The letters APGA shall be the symbolic abbreviation of the ALABAMA PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION, INC�
Section 2. The term “Industry” is defined to mean the business of manufacturing, selling and distributing propane gas and its
related equipment and services�
Section 1. The elected officers of APGA shall be a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary/Treasurer. The officers shall be
members of the Board of Directors�
Section 2. The President shall be the chief elected officer of APGA and shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Commit
tee and the Board of Directors�
Section 3. During the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President� The Vice President
shall be chairman of the Site Selection Committee�
Section 4. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all events occurring in annual meetings, special meetings
and Board meetings, subject to approval of the Board of Directors at the next regular meeting� The Secretary/
Treasurer shall also have custody of the funds and assets of APGA and shall maintain proper records of account,
which shall be available for inspection by any member under the direction of the Board of Directors� He shall make
financial reports to the Board of Directors and at annual meetings or special meetings as directed by the Board of
Directors� He shall also serve as chair of the Finance and Budget Committee�
Section 5. The President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and NPGA Director shall receive no salary or other compensa-
tion for their services except for reimbursement of personal expenses incurred with the prior approval of the Board
of Directors�
Section 6. The duties of the officers shall be such as their titles, by general usage, would indicate, and such as required by law,
and such as is assigned to them by these By-Laws�
Section 7. No APGA officer shall hold the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 1. Each elected member of the Board must be an owner or employee of an active member and reside in Alabama or
whose territory includes Alabama. All the affairs of APGA shall be managed by a Board of Directors.
Section 2. The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall consist of the following:
(A) The Officers;
(B) The District Directors;
(C) The immediate Past President;
(D) The NPGA State Director for Alabama; and
(E) The Supplier Director�
The Officers of the Corporation shall be a President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 3. There shall be one district director elected in each district of the state by a majority vote of the Active members of
that district� Said director must reside in that district or that district must be said director’s operating territory�
Section 4� The immediate past President of the Corporation shall be director at large from the State� In the event that the
immediate past President cannot fill this position, then it shall revert to his predecessor.
Section 5. The NPGA State Director will become a member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation upon notification to
the Corporation of his election by the NPGA�
Section 6. The Supplier Director shall be elected from the Corporations Active-Supplier membership by a majority vote of
Active-Supplier members present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose�
Section 7. Any member of the Board of Directors who shall be absent from two (2) consecutive regular meetings of the Board
without being excused by the vote of the Board, shall be deemed to have resigned his office as a member of the
Board, such vacancy to be filled in accordance with these By-Laws.
Section 8. A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting�
Section 9. The Board of Directors shall meet at least three times a year, one of which shall be in conjunction with the Annual
Convention� Attendance at Corporation and District meetings may be board members, Executive Director, mem-
bers, employees of members, guests of members and invited guests�
Section 10. A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board at any
time by serving each member of the Board with a written notice at least five (5) days prior to the hour and place