Page 9 - 2025 APGA online membership directory_neat
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ALABAMA PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION                                   PAGE 7
               Past Presidents

        1939-40   Col� D�F�Jacobs*  1977        C�D� (Chuck) Babcock  2006-07   Jeff Gresham
        1940-42   Cecil Gardner*  1978        Ralph Rooney*  2007-08   Scott Lybarger*
        1942-48   Frank V� DeGruy, Sr�*  1978-79   Rabon Stockton  2008-09   Mark Denton
        1948-49   Paul Jones*    1979-80   Gene Clouse*  2009-10   Benny Gay
        1949-50   Selwyn Turner*  1980-81   Rabon Watson  2010-11   Vernon Chavers
        1950-51   Jewell Holley*  1981-82   Jim Perkins*  2011-12   Daniel Dixon
        1951-52   J�L� (Jim) Chancy  1982-83   Ray Smelley*  2012-13   Bill Montgomery*
        1952-53   J�A� (Jim) Cleghorn  1983-84   Bill Stafford  2013-14   Andy Wise
        1953-54   Fred I� Palmer*  1984-85   Neal Johnston  2014-15   Debbie Cannon
        1954-55   B�H� Stallworth, Jr�*  1985-86   Aubrey Ward  2015-16   Jason Gamble
        1955-56   Geo Allen Smith*  1986-87   Jimmy Reynolds  2016-17   Michael Toomey
        1956-57   E�R� “Shug” Hughes*  1987-88   Jim Axon  2017-18   Chad Chavers
        1957-58   J�R� (Jake) Vaughan*  1988-89   Byron Marshall  2018-19   Rick Foster
        1958-59   J�D� Lay*      1989-90   Mike Ingram   2019-20   Tim Moore
        1959-60   Ed Moore*      1990-91   Jim Cassidy   2020-21   Bill Mayo
        1960-61   J�D� (Jim) Barton*  1991-92   Bill Reynolds  2021-22   Tom Cheatham
        1961-62   John McNeil*   1992-93   Ken Watson    2022-23   Jessie Morgan
        1962-63   R�F� (Bob) Lane, Sr�*  1993-94   Armon Pugh*  2023        Brian Rogers
        1963-64   Horace Spottswood*  1994-95   Van McClurkin  2024-25   Bubba Quick
        1964-65   W�E� (Bill) Reynolds*  1995-96   David Norrell  *Deceased
        1965-66   Gibbs McCormick*  1996-97   David Reaves
        1966-67   Eugene (Gene) Holley*  1997-98   Harley Boswell
        1967-68   W�J� (Bill) Gordy  1998-99   Mary Sue McClurkin
        1968-69   Richard Majure*  1999-00   Mickey Drummond
        1969-70   Ralph Fowee*   2000-01   Frank Lane
        1970-71   H� Carlton Terry*  2001-02   Donna McCormick
        1971-72   A�E� (Pete) Gaither  2002-03   Chuck Finnamore
        1973        Joe D� Duckworth  2003-04   Phillip Drummond
        1974        J�W� Rainer*  2004        Mary Olive Nealey*
        1975        Kenneth R� Dunn  2004-05   Chuck Finnamore
        1976        R�F� Lane, Jr�*  2005-06   Phil Savage

                  Bobtails     to       Bulkplants

               New Bobtails  Betts Vapor Proof Lights:     New Installations
            Refurbished Bobtails  complete stock of lights, lens   Maintenance & Repairs
             Hydrostatic Testing  & accessories        All Work Performed to NFPA 58
            Annual VK Inspections  Truck Meter &           Code Upgrades
           Annual DOT Inspections  Dispenser Calibration  Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal
          Base Engineering Shutdown

                                 FREE ESTIMATES
          40 Industry Drive      Jason Gamble, Owner               (256) 593-2420
          Boaz, AL 35956            (205) 616-9084                 (800) 757-6639
          Email:                            Fax: (256) 593-2460
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