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New Autogas Vehicle Inspection Grant Program
Ne w Aut og as V ehicle Inspection Gr an t Pr ogr am
Launches in Januar
Launches in January
chools and career centers across the coun- “By placing propane-based
try can soon earn up to $7,500 in grants to curriculum in schools with
add propane-specific autogas training and
S equipment to their classrooms. trained instructors and
In January, PERC will roll out its Autogas ensuring relevant content is
Vehicle Inspection Grant Program to give stu- available via The Learning
dents an elevated, hands-on learning experience Center, learners in all
using PERC’s propane-specific curriculum, Pro- stages of their career can
pane Autogas Vehicle Inspection: Introduction for
Automobile Service Technicians. The course was find the propane education
developed to support a one- to two-week long to fit their needs.”
curriculum, about 20 hours.
-Elena Bennett, Senior Manager of Industry
The grant program is designed to build a Training and Education, PERC
stronger professional service network by enhanc-
ing the knowledge and skills of current and future Marketers also are needed as program
automotive professionals while introducing stu- advisors for participating schools in their commu-
dents to more career opportunities after gradua- nity. The advisor in the grant program serves as a
tion. technical expert on autogas and engine technolo-
The program will be open to any U.S. Advisor Responsibilities include:
educational institution or career center (technical • Be available to advise and cooperate with the
schools, community colleges, etc.) that is will- instructor when propane specific questions
ing and able to expand their class curriculum to arise,
include propane-specific material and hands-on
resources. • Speak to the class during the instruction peri-
od about propane’s role in their community,
Approved grant recipients will receive up
to $7,500 worth of funding to be applied toward: propane careers, propane’s environmental
impact, etc.,
• A new autogas-specific training board to outfit • Ensure the school is teaching the curriculum.
the training facility (value $5,000).
Applications for the Autogas Vehicle
• Travel costs for the class instructor to attend
a mandatory training class on the curriculum Inspection Grant Program open on January 2nd
some time in summer 2024, and and run through March 29th. Propane marketers
are encouraged to reach out to local schools with
• Promotion of the new class offering to pro- program details and have them apply at https://
spective students. To view
PERC will provide recipients a standardized the program details including the Program Overview,
training board for a hands-on component that Program Guidelines, Program Brochure, and Program
follows the curriculum, as well as digital versions Curriculum click here.■
of the instructor tools, student workbook, curric-
ulum, and other resources upon acceptance into
the program. Each school is eligible for one grant.
Funding is limited.