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“The biggest thing we’ve noticed is that     tion Agency’s Clean School Bus Program. Propane also
            the clean operation of the propane buses has        qualifies for a $0.37 per gallon government incentive
            reduced the emissions in our garage and around      through the alternative fuel tax credit.
            our schools,” said Bryan. “There is far less crude         All savings from the operation of propane bus-
            build-up on our computer screens inside of our      es have been allocated back into the district’s general
            maintenance bays, which is obviously a plus for     budget, including the savings in fuel costs.
            our lungs.”

                   The school district’s newest propane buses,   Positive Performance and Feedback
            which arrived in 2023, are certified to 0.02 g/hphr        Bryan and the transportation staff have only
            NOx. They’re 90% cleaner in NOx than the EPA and    positive feedback about their decade-long experience
            California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations set   operating propane school buses. “Our propane buses
            to take effect in 2027.                             are easy to maintain, create less pollution, increase
                                                                financial savings and operate on a local fuel,” said Bry-
            Operational Benefits                                an. “I can’t express how pleased I am with the perfor-
                   “Our propane buses greatly reduce the time   mance of our propane fleet.”■
            spent in maintenance when compared to the mainte-   Source: Todd Mouw is executive vice president of sales and
            nance required to keep the emission equipment on a   marketing of ROUSH CleanTech, an industry leader of advanced
            diesel bus operational,” said Bryan. “Thus, our me-  clean vehicle technology. Mouw has more than two decades of
            chanics have been very happy.”                      experience in the automotive and high-tech industries. As former
                                                                president of the NTEA Green Truck Association, Mouw helped
                   The buses run quieter than their diesel coun-  set standards in the green trucking industry. To learn more, visit
            terparts and allow the drivers to more easily interact
            with passengers. Buses fueled by propane reduce
            noise levels by about half compared to a diesel engine.   Do you know about the Clean-
            “Every driver of our propane buses has expressed a     School Bus Program Rebates?
            preference of the propane model over the diesel due        The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) an-
            to reduced cabin noise and increased power on hills,”   nounced $500 million dollars in funding to incentivize
            Bryan said.                                         and accelerate the replacement of existing school
                                                                buses with clean school buses, including propane
                   “The Bradford area saw temperatures of neg-  buses. Propane buses are eligible for up to $35,000
            ative 25 degrees Fahrenheit in 2015, and our propane   per bus.
            buses ran without missing a beat,” said Bryan. The
            propane autogas fuel system used in the Blue Bird Vi-      Applications will be accepted from state and
            sion heats the buses quickly and provides unaided cold   local governmental entities that provide bus service,
            weather starts at negative 40 degrees Fahrenheit.   including public school districts; eligible contractors;
                                                                nonprofit school transportation associations; Indian
            Immediate and Long-Term Savings                     Tribes, Tribal organizations, or Tribally-controlled
                   Leadership was thrilled that the district saw a   schools. School bus dealers, original equipment man-
            return on its investment within the first year of op-  ufacturers (OEMs), school bus service providers, and
            eration. Propane buses offer the lowest total cost of   private school bus fleets that meet specified criteria
            ownership compared with other alternative fuels.    are eligible contractors. The program guidance and

                   On average, propane autogas costs about 50%   application process differ from prior EPA school bus
            less than diesel. Currently, the district is paying $4.70   rebate programs. Click here for the detailed Program
            per gallon of diesel versus $1.50 for propane. The   Guide.
            district received a $5,000 rebate on the cost of each      Questions? Go to the NPGA member dash-
            initial bus in 2013, and has subsequently accessed   board to see the FAQ about the rebate program, a
            funding from Pennsylvania’s Alternative Fuel Incentive   template letter to send to eligible entities, or contact
            Grant program as well as the Environmental Protec-  NPGA Director of Regulatory Affairs Kate Gaziano.■

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