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5 Steps to Finding and Keeping Good Employees

            T                           By: Betsi Bixby, Meridian Associates Inc.

                   urnover is an enormous cash flow drain.

                                                                       Next, compare the results of the two data-
                                                                bases. Are there patterns? Are there clear differences
                   Unfortunately, too many companies think of
                   turnover as a necessary evil you must live with.
                                                                between the two databases? Pinpoint the areas of
                   Nothing could be further from the truth. You
            can reduce turnover with an immediate positive impact   clear-cut dichotomies.   For instance, you may find
                                                                your stars are predominantly retirees and your quitters
            on cash flow and your bottom line.                  were predominantly teens.
                   Here’s how: Start hiring people who will want       What this data is telling you is that in your
            to stay with you. Continually treat them right so they   existing corporate culture, you have a better chance of
            will stay, day after day, month after month, year after   keeping a retiree and therefore, should be recruiting
            year. Here’s what it takes to get this done:        more retirees. With this new knowledge, you might try
                   Identify the profile of your best, most-se-  a special in-house employee referral program where
            nior employees at their time of hire.  We’ll call these   eligibility requires a certain length of service. This ser-
            people star employees. What you’ll need is data from   vice requirement would automatically result in refer-
            the original application of each star employee. Using a   rals of friends from your stars! Or you might advertise
            spreadsheet format, record all the data you can from   in your senior paper, and cancel your college campus
            each star employee’s application. Typical categories   want-ads. Your objective at this stage is to increase
            are education level, length of working career, number   your applicant pool with more people that fit your star
            of prior jobs, marital status, type of prior job, average   profile. If more of the right people apply, there is less
            length of time on each prior job, how they learned   pressure to hire the ones you now know statistically
            about the opening, etc. The more data you can glean   will have little chance of staying on the job.
            from your applications, the better.                        Make the application process easy for your
                   Next, make a similar database, this time using   target group. Once we know exactly who we want to
            application data from employees who quit, or were ter-  apply, we need to make the process easy for them.
            minated. Start with the ones who exited most recently   For instance, if it’s retirees we are seeking, we don’t
            and work backwards until you reach the exact same   want a fine-print application — we need one with
            number of people in your star database.             larger print that is easily read. This is just one example.

    16                                     Alabama Propane Gas Association  | January / February 2024
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