Page 16 - july-august 2019
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...Continued from page 15 ty However, failure to follow gas detector may not operate
the manufacturer’s installation properly is not merely theoret-
detectors is also problematic, instructions may prevent the de- ical One example of a gas
because in order to ensure that tector from operating as intend- detector failure being a fire’s
customers “will be warned” in ed Also, a detector placed in contributing cause is Liberty
the event of a gas leak, de- one location inside a residence Mutual Fire Ins Co v Fluor
tectors would have to be 100% may or may not detect a leak Enterprise, Inc , 853 F Supp 2d
effective and accurate That at a remote location or may 607 (E D La 2012) In that case,
isn’t always the case. not be audible in certain areas a UL listed gas detector was
There are a number of inside or outside a structure installed close to floor level near
reasons why a gas detector Further, some alarms require a gas stove The detector was
may not provide a reliable periodic calibrations, which if located a couple of feet below
warning of a gas leak For ex- done incorrectly might result the gas burners Two people
ample, if the detector is not UL in a failure to detect explosive were subsequently injured in an
listed, then it hasn’t been tested levels of gas Other detectors explosion that occurred after
against nationally recognized simply wear out over time and they entered the home, smelled
safety standards and may not must be replaced on a regular gas, and one of them turned
be as accurate or reliable as basis Thus, even where a gas the stove’s ignitor knob in a
other brands PERC warnings detector is present, the failure mistaken attempt to shut off the
include a recommendation to properly install, maintain, or gas Despite evidence that one
that consumers consider install- replace the detector may still of the gas burners had been on
ing UL listed gas detectors as an lead to an accident for a number of days, the gas
additional measure of securi- The possibility that a detector never sounded prior to
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16 Alabama Propane Gas Association | July / August 2019