Page 17 - july-august 2019
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the explosion   The court noted           The Fluor case un-         No  A14-1751 (Minn  Ct  App
            that the detector’s manual rec-    derscores that gas detectors      2015), held that a product
            ognized a difference between       can and do malfunction, and       manufacturer was not required
            a gas leak from a line and gas     that even one that is working     to incorporate a gas detector
            escaping from an open burn-        properly will alarm only if gas   into its gas stove   According to
            er   In the latter case, the gas is   is present in sufficient concen-  the court in Stoffel v  Thermo-
            already mixed with air when it is   tration at the detector.  What’s   gas, 998 F  Supp  1021 (N D  Ia
            released and is therefore not as   true in real estate is also true   1997), an upstream gas supplier
            heavy as the unmixed gas from      about gas detectors:  Location,   had no duty to warn about
            a leak, leading to a combusti-     Location, Location!               gas detectors because it had
            ble mixture close to the cook-            Even if detectors were     provided warnings about odor
            top but not at the detector’s      100% “effective,” cases from      fade to an intermediary who
            lower location    The manual       across the country suggest the    had taken reasonable steps
            went on to say that “eventually    McElyea case faces other signif-  to advise the end user of odor
            the gas will reach the detec-      icant legal hurdles   Besides the   fade; therefore, the general rule
            tor’s location and be detect-      substantial obstacles in estab-   that there is no duty to advise
            ed ”  However, in this case,       lishing the elements of class ac-  about available means for
            post-accident testing confirmed    tion certification, many courts   amelioration of obvious dan-
            that, even when exposed to a       have rejected the notion that     gers applied   There are other
            gas concentration that should      a retailer or others in the stream   cases with similar holdings, all of
            have been sufficient to pro-       of distribution have a duty to    which suggest that the majority
            duce an alarm, the detector        advise about the availability     position is that there generally
            failed to operate                  of gas detectors, much less       is no duty to advise about the
                                                                any duty to      availability of gas detectors   If
                                                                supply them      no such duty exists, it would be
                         Introducing                            In Elliott v  El   a stretch to say there is a duty
                Bergquist Select Ship                           Paso Corp ,      to actually supply detectors
                                                                                 Whether the court in Dallas
                                                                181 So 3d 263
                                                                (Miss  2015),    County agrees remains to be
                                                                the Mississip-   seen.  Stay tuned.■
              Peace of mind when you choose 'Select Ship'       pi Supreme

                              Program Details                   Court held       Mark is a partner in the law firm of
                                                                                 Conner & Winters, LLP in Tulsa, OK.
             Guaranteed Inventory ~ over 60 Equipment Items always in stock    that a natural   Mark has litigated cases since 1988.  His
                    and ready to ship to Bergquist customers enrolled in 'Select Ship'.     gas pipe-  practice includes representing different
                    Call for Guaranteed Inventory equipment list.  line owner    segments of the gas fuels industry, the
             Guaranteed 2 Business Day Delivery ~ on all of the                  vehicle rental industry, and product
                                                                                 manufacturers.  Mark has defended
                    Guaranteed Stock Equipment items.           had no duty
                    Offer good in the lower 48 states - Alaska & Hawaii excluded.  to warn   propane retailers, wholesalers, and
                                                                                 tank manufacturers in personal injury,
             Free Freight on All Standard Equipment,            consumers        wrongful death, and property dam-
                    Vent-Free Heaters & Tankless Water Heater Orders  about the   age claims in twenty states, as well as
                     - No minimum          Our other regular exceptions apply    provided counsel regarding regulatory
             Receive a 10% Credit if we do not have your Guaranteed Inventory Items    use of gas   compliance matters.  He has also rep-
                                                                                 resented gas utilities in personal injury
                    in stock or do not deliver within 2 business days  detectors      and property damage claims.You can
             Annual Subscription ~ a  499 annual subscription per 'ship to' location.  The court   contact Mike at:
                                   Call for additional details  in Moore
                                                                v  Center-
                                                                point Energy
                                                                Corp , Case
                      |  800.537.7518

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