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Mobile County School System Honored

             for Alternative Fuel Bus Fleet

                          obile County Public Schools was honored at the Southeast Diesel Collaborative’s 12 Annual
                          Partners Meeting in Atlanta with a Fleet Leadership Award.
                            Mobile County Public Schools has acquired 80 propane-powered school buses to replace
             Mold diesel-powered buses in its fl eet. These units were replaced by new Blue Bird Propane
              Vision buses supplied by BusWorx and equipped with ROUSH CleanTech propane fuel system engines.
                     Mark Bentley, executive director of the Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition, accepted the award for
              the Mobile system. “The Mobile County Public Schools system has long been a leader in the state in work-
              ing toward a cleaner Alabama,” Bentley said. “This award just reinforces how proud we are to be partners
              with the system and with Pat Mitchell, Mobile County Public Schools’ Transportation Director.”
                     The Mobile County Schools system put 30 new buses in service for the 2014-15 school year and
              added 50 more units for the 2015-16 year. The school system transports 26,000 students to and from school
              daily. Before choosing to fuel with propane autogas, the district’s transportation department performed a
              comprehensive evaluation. This process included safety research, cost savings analysis, as well as envi-
              ronmental impact. The transportation department educated school offi cials, bus drivers, elected offi cials,
              the students and community on
              the advantages of using buses
              with cleaner burning engines for
              student transportation.             CONNECTIONS
                     Each new bus will dis-
              place about 40,000 gallons of       FOR AMERICA’S
              diesel and emit 150,000 fewer
              pounds of carbon dioxide over its   EN RGY
                     “I would like to congrat-
              ulate Mobile County Schools on
              receiving the Fleet Leadership
              Award,” Todd Mouw, vice pres-                              Max Johnson
                                                                         Supply & Asset Manager
              ident of sales and marketing at                            Southeast
              ROUSH CleanTech. “The school                     
                                                                         D: (816) 329.5316
              district is continuing to lead Ala-                        C: (913) 972.5721
              bama toward a cleaner future                               Yahoo ID: maxjohnson1248
                                                                         ICE ID: mjohnson31
              with its adoption of low emissions
              propane school buses. These new
              alternatively fueled buses have
              the lowest nitrogen oxide levels of
              any school bus engine, which is a
              big step in reducing diesel emis-
              sions and clearing the air around
              its students and community.” ■
                                                  Two Brush Creek Boulevard, Suite 200 • Kansas City, MO 64112

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