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Jury Awards Significant Damages to Plaintiff
Injured on Propane Marketer’s Property
When Cylinder Refill Led to Flash Fire Incident
he jury in the Sysak v headed to Western Propane ed a number of liability-based
Western Propane Services Services, Inc. (Western Pro- claims against Western Propane
Inc. case, fi led in the pane) on July 3, 2015 to have including that the company
TSuperior Court of Orange his barbeque cylinders refi lled, and/or its employees negli-
County, California, awarded presumably for use over the gently maintained, entrusted,
over $3,000,000 in damages Fourth of July holiday. A West- repaired, controlled and/or
to a plaintiff injured on the ern Propane employee started operated the propane storage
propane company’s premises fi lling the cylinders from a large and dispensing equipment on
during a cylinder refi ll. propane storage tank on the its property/premises, including
property. Unfortunately, during the propane storage tank, hos-
Background/Underlying Inci- the fi lling process there was an es, fi ttings, and valves.
dent. accidental release of propane In addition to the physi-
Michael Sysak, a right in the area where Sysak cal damages Sysak claimed for
36-year-old diesel mechanic, was standing. A “plume of gas” his burn injuries, he also assert-
ignited caus- ed emotional distress dam-
WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE ing a fl ash fi re. ages based on experiencing
FROM AMERICA’S Sysak sus- the shocking and dangerous
tained sec- incident, including specifi cally
PRODUCTS: ond and third Post-Traumatic Stress Disor-
• New BOBTAILS degree burns der (PTSD). Additionally, Sysak
• New BULK STORAGE TANKS to his legs and claimed that experiencing the
Ask about availability of
used or refurbished arms which fl ash fi re incident and the result-
transport trailers and bobtails
required skin ing physical injuries, aggravated
SERVICES: grafts. his pre-existing anxiety condi-
• Refurbishing & Repairs tion. Sysak’s wife also made a
• Blasting & Painting
• 5-Year Inspections The Lawsuit. loss of consortium claim.
• Annual Inspections About After discovery in the
• Stress Relieving
• Parts seven weeks case, Western Propane deter-
after the fl ash- mined as part of its trial strat-
fi re incident, egy, that it would not contest
0,66,66,33, Sysak and his the negligence claim for the
7$1. &203$1< wife fi led a fl ash fi re incident involving the
lawsuit against accidental release of propane
P O Drawer 1391 1301 East Elkhorn Road Western during the cylinder refi lling
Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1391 Vincennes, IN 47591-8004
PH: 800-331-8265 ext. 224 PH: 812-886-8265 Propane. process. However, Western
FAX: 601-264-0769 FAX: 812-886-8979
www Sysak assert- Propane did contest certain
20 Alabama Propane Gas Association | January / February 2018