Page 17 - jan-feb2018_Neat
P. 17

he lived his faith each and       those prayers are lifted.  Scott,   to understand how this could
              every day.  Because of his        see you soon.                      happen to such a good person.
                                                        Mark Nelson                     Scott and I were propane
                                                       Alabama LP Gas Board        brothers. Our professional lives
                                                                                   evolved in this industry, and I
                                                     Scott was always a            relied on him for help in many
                                                joy to be around. He was a         ways, especially in the early
                                                leader in every sense of the       days. We met in 1989. He was
                                                word. He included everyone         with Ranger insurance, and I
                                                in discussions. Every thought      was just starting with Tri-Cities
                                                included his safety mindset.       Gas. I will never forget my fi rst
                                                Always had a smile on his face.    convention. Scott and Tanya
                                                Strong Christian and family        had just married. We went on the
                                                man. Was a respected friend        deep sea fi shing trip together.
                                                to me and many others both         Tanya, Regina and I had a great
                                                inside and outside the state.      time, but Scott got sea sick. Every
              faith, he demonstrated the                Daniel Dixon               time we had a break, Tanya
              characteristics of integrity, truth,      AmeriGas                   would ask him if he was ok and
              kindness, encouragement, and                                         needed anything. By the end of
              patience with everyone that he         It was an honor to know       the trip, Scott was so sick that he
              encountered.   Scott’s Christian   Scott and work in the same        was pissed when she asked him
              faith was important enough        industry with him. I had the       the last time. That is the one and
              to him to practice it before his   utmost respect for him as a       only time I saw him angry. We
              family, customers, and co-        professional. And, I feel fortunate   laughed about that story every
              workers.  I personally witnessed   to have known him as a friend.    year at the conventions.
              Scott make some very diffi cult            Andy Wise                       I got to spend six hours with
              decisions that created strife             Thompson Gas               Scott last year when I rode back
              in his life that could have                                          from a NPGA meeting with him.
              been avoided had he been               Scott was one of a kind;      My fl ight was delayed, and I was
              willing to waver in his faith and   he was a Christian, father,      griping about it. Scott offered to
              fundamental sense of what         friend, husband, volunteer and     let me ride with him. We got to
              is right.  Scott Lybarger could   co-worker to a lot of people.      catch up on everything going
              not and would not do that,        The only thing that made any       on in our lives. I really don’t think
              and I appreciate such a great     since when I heard of his death    that Scott took a breath for the
              example.                          is that God needed him. It is      entire six hours. He had a captive
                   Scott Lybarger was part      beyond our comprehension           audience and took advantage
              of a small group that helped                                                  of it. We had a great
              me through a very diffi cult                                                   time! I’m glad I had
              time by continually offering                                                  that time to spend with
              encouragement, prayers, and                                                   a good friend.
              concern.  I expressed to a                                                          Lisa used him
              member of that group that our                                                 like a rented mule at
              “prayer group” wouldn’t be the                                                conventions...and
              same.  He grinned and said,                                                   he loved it! Any way
              “Scott has not stopped talking                                                he could help others
              since he got there.”  That’s                                                  seemed to make him
              when I realized we now have                                                   happy.
              an inside connection when                                                           He always had

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