Page 12 - jan-feb2018_Neat
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“Denton, I                                           with you, and    and better than expected.
             should have                                          you probably     Scott and I shared many
             listened to                                          needed           conversations over the years
             you because                                          counseling       about family, church, school
             you were not                                         because he       and Scouting activities. He truly
             exaggerating,                                        always made      loved his family and was that
             and you were                                         everyone         much more exuberant when he
             speaking from                                        feel             spoke of them. He was an icon
             experience!”                                         completely       in our state association, and we
             He cared                                             comfortable.     all appreciate and will forever
             deeply about                                         I honestly       remember his tireless efforts
             and put                                              don’t recall     especially in and around his
             his whole                                            him saying       year as our president. I miss my
             heart into                                           anything         friend.
             everything                                           bad about               Benny Gas
             he did                                               anyone.                 Thompson Gas
             including; APGA president,              We all lost a truly great
             industry member, employee/         friend, brother, and industry           I hope everyone has
             employer, and family (which        comrade in Scott Lybarger, and     someone like Scott in their
             was obviously his fi rst love       he will be sorely missed.          lives, and everyone that had
             and most important priority).              Mark Denton                our Scott in their lives can
             Following him as president of              Blossman Gas               count it a blessing.  I guess
             APGA was daunting to me                                               we knew each other for more
             because of the outstanding              Scott was a Godly man,        than 25 years, but it seems
             job that he had done in that       and I have no doubt where he       somehow longer; and shorter
             position.  He actually said to     is now and that he is hard at      too.  Looking back at old
             me: “What I have learned in        work on whatever God has him       directories, it seems like he
             my year working with Lisa is       doing. His faith showed through    was always there, somewhere,
             that your best bet is just to listen   in his personality – exuberant   and always participating.  The
             to her and do what she                                                2002 and 2017 list of Safety and
             tells you to do!”  Great                                              Education Committee members
             advice for president of the                                           has 2 members remaining
             association and marriage                                              active all these years, and Scott
             as a side note!                                                       was one of them.  Through one
                  Scott was well                                                   move or another and changing
             depicted in his funeral                                               jobs and locations, we didn’t
             service when numerous                                                 get to spend as much time
             speakers made the                                                     together as we used to, and my
             comments that he was                                                  life is poorer for it.  We recently
             truly one of the nicest guys                                          got to reconnect a bit when
             they knew.  The comment                                               he joined the TS&S Committee,
             that really jumped out at me       and engaging with a beaming        and I got a call out of the blue
             was the pastor who said: “well     smile. I don’t know anyone who     from Scott asking how the
             the guy was really nice, but       didn’t more than like him. Scott   committee worked and how he
             was he Scott Lybarger nice?”  If   was a true friend, trustworthy,    would fi t in.  The least of Scott’s
             you couldn’t like, respect, and    conscientious and thorough.        worries should have been fi tting
             want to be a friend to Scott,      He was a true professional. If     in, but it was sure good to hear
             something had to be wrong          he was on it, it was done right    from him, and I will cherish the

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