Page 11 - jan-feb2018_Neat
P. 11

privilege of knowing. I don’t      was inclusive, always drawing
              remember Scott ever coming         in others into conversations and
              into our offi ce without his        activities.  He was a powerful
              famous smile. It was contagious!   leader, yet not hungry for
              Scott loved God and his family     power or prestige.  He was a
              so very much and they him. He      servant, serving his God, his
              will truly be missed.              family, and others.  We can best
                     Mary Lou Trammell           honor Scott by emulating his
                     APGA                        passion for life and his desire to
                                                 better the world he lived in – by
                   I never saw Scott that he     doing the same where we fi nd
              didn’t greet stranger or friend    ourselves each day.
              with a huge smile.  During my              One particular incident   to talk?”  My last conversation
                                                      I’m reminded of was          with him was a couple months
                                                      when a group of us from      ago when I noticed someone in
                                                      APGA were in Washington      Atlanta (in much traffi c) staring
                                                      D.C. for Propane Days.       at me from a white pickup in
                                                      We were gathered in a        the other lane going down
                                                      meeting room to hear our     I-85.  When my phone rang
                                                      keynote speaker, Newt        and Scott’s name appeared,
                                                      Gingrich, when Scott         it was him stalking me on the
                                                      gave each of us a copy       interstate near Atlanta.  What
                                                      of Gingrich’s book “Real     ensued was a typical “5
                                                      Change” as a gift!  And      minute” conversation with him
                                                      if that were not enough,     that got me most of the way
                                                      arrangements were made       home that night (a 6 hour trip).
              last conversation with him, he     to have a private meeting with            Scott was not a man of
              was smiling even more than         Gingrich for pictures and book    few words, but I always enjoyed
              usual as he was telling me         signing.  Just one example        our chats because he was so
              about his son’s engagement.        of Scott’s generosity and         passionate about what he did,
              He was so proud as he walked       inclusiveness to all of us that   and he was always learning
              around the meeting room            were there from APGA.             from everyone he could.
              telling his friends about the             Chuck Finnamore            When he moved from safety
              location and the thought his son          Retired, AmeriGas          to operations with Lampton-
              had put in it.  That was just one                                                      Love, we had
              of the many times that Scott            Every                                          numerous
              proudly talked about his family’s   conversation                                       conversations
              accomplishments.  Scott was        that Scott                                          about how
              a great husband, father, and       initiated                                           he had
              friend.  He will be missed.        started with                                        jumped out
                     Chad Chavers                “you got                                            of the fi re
                     Blossman Gas                a minute                                            and into
                                                 to talk?”                                           the frying
                   Scott loved life, and he      which when                                          pan.  He told
              loved people.  He worked hard      translated                                          me about 4
              to better every organization he    meant “do                                           months into
              was associated with both as        you have                                            this new job:
              a member and a leader.  He         45 minutes

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