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The Lybarger Family

                                          Taylor, Kyle, Tanya and Scott
                                             We will miss you Scott...dearly!
                                              April 10, 1965 - November 24, 2017
             T      his is one of the hardest    Drive In’s and Dives called Red   “long” conversations which

                                                 Wagon Pizza. I had promised
                                                                                   never failed to include family
                    pieces I have ever
                                                                                   and faith. His smile could
                                                 my daughter, Emma, I would
                    had to work on for the
                    association. Scott was
                                                 this adventure even in the
              such a dear friend to me. I        check it out. Scott was all for   bring joy and enthusiasm  to
                                                                                   anyone.  There is no doubt
              never would have imagined I        pouring rain! We loaded up in     that Scott is smiling right now
              would be faced with this task.     a Lyft driver’s van and set off   in the presence of our Lord
              But, I also look at it as an honor   to fi nd it.  Jeff, Lynn, Scott and   and Savior. The human side
              to bring these beautiful words     I had the best time that night    of me hurts, but the Christian
              to you from others who feel the    talking and laughing...true       side of me is so proud to know
              same way about Scott.              fellowship I will never forget!   I will see my friend again. Until
                   This past October,  I went    I always loved hanging with       then Scott, I will remember you
              to the NPGA Board meeting          Scott no matter where we were.    always and miss you dearly!
              in Minneapolis, MN. Scott also          He truly was a man of             Lisa Hill
              attended this meeting. On the      God and lived his life for God         APGA
              second day, I was telling Scott,   and his family. We could ask
              Jeff Gresham and Lynn Hardin       for no better  example here            Scott  was one of the
              about a place I saw on Diners,     on earth. I will truly miss our   nicest people I ever had the

      10                                    Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  January / February 2018
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