Page 4 - may-june 2018_Neat
P. 4
word from the president
know many of us are coming off a good in defending our state and industry from
winter and gearing up for the maintenance burdensome regulations as well as to support
tasks that customers need us to do as well as programs that are good for our customers and
I the needs of our own facilities In addition to industry
those tasks, I think this time of the year is also a Lobbying on the national level is
great time for the propane gas industry to start very important, but just as important is the
thinking of hosting state and/or federal level connection made
politicians at your offices. I had the pleasure on a local level I
last year to represent APGA at Propane Days encourage you to
in Washington, D C We had scheduled visits contact your local
in the offices of our state delegation to discuss Senator or House
issues facing our industry I have also attended member and set
such meetings in Montgomery at the State up the same type
House I will tell you that you get anywhere of visit at locations
from 5 minutes to a max of 15 minutes with the throughout the state
elected official. Many times, it is a staffer that If you are interested,
you end up seeing please contact Lisa uChad Chaversu
On March 28th, I had the pleasure of and she will assist you
hosting Congressman Bradley Byrnes at my with the arrangements
office in Mobile. Lisa and NPGA set this visit for such a meeting as well as provide topics
up as they had should you need
with three other them It is more
Congressmen and advantageous for
Congresswomen our elected officials
These are great to have met us and
opportunities to have knowledge of
actually get one- what we do prior to
on-one time with us actually needing
the decision maker their support
themselves I know I also encourage
here we were able all members to
to get 1 hour of register to attend
uninterrupted time the APGA/LAPGA’s
with Congressmen Annual Convention
Byrnes to discuss the OSHA Crane Rule, the this summer in Orange Beach This is a great
importance of LIHEAP, the importance of the time to fellowship with other industry members
VW settlement to the state, and to familiarize from around our state as well as Louisiana We
him with our industry in general It was the have a large variety of activities scheduled for
most engagement that I have ever had all, but time for relaxation as well You will want
with one of our elected officials, and the to register as soon as possible Please refer to
Congressman was very gracious and well pages 10-13 for more information I hope to
informed of the issues that were effecting our see you all there! ■
industry and very supportive of our points This
interaction is very important to our successes
4 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2018