Page 7 - may-june 2018_Neat
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It’s hard to believe it’s time to annouce the Slate
of Officers for the 2018-2019 year which will begin
July 9th ■
LP gas board | comments & reviews
he Alabama LP-Gas Board held its Competency Card application demonstrating
regular quarterly meeting on April 12, that previous board requirements for
2018 The board approved petitions employees had been completed This process
Tfrom the Administrator to begin revealed a few employees within the industry
the rule-making process for two different had been working without ever having
regulations One petition addresses the completed board requirements Some had
specific requirements for applicants seeking to completed the old examinations with their
obtain a Class A permit and it is entitled 530- employers, but those exams were still in hand
X-2- 12 Checklist for Submitting Class A Permit and had never been submitted to the board
Applications The other petition approved Without a card, there is no guarantee that an
is entitled 530-X-2- 17 LP-Gas Fee Rate and it employee has completed the requirements
pertains to the fee assessed on LP-gas sold of the law If you have not obtained cards
or exchanged in Alabama Both petitions yet for your existing employees, are you
are available for more details on the board’s sure that they completed the board’s
website (www lpgb alabama gov) under former requirements to work in Alabama?
the tab “News & Meetings ” Look for links Uncertainty could equal tremendous liability
beginning with the phrase “Notice of Intended exposure If you have any questions about
Action… ” the application process, please call our
The board also received information Inspections Secretary, Vicki Hubbard, at (334)
on the status of the Employee Competency 430-7642 (Option 2 when prompted)
examination and card issuance program To The following permits were approved for
date, the board has administered more than issuance at the board meeting:
1850 exams to 842 examinees with a pass rate • Treadwell LP Gas, LLC, Buchanan, GA
of 67 35% In addition to new examinees, the Class A Permit
board has been very busy in the processing • Jones Utility & Contracting Co , Inc ,
of Employee Competency Cards for existing Birmingham, AL Class C Permit
or “grandfathered” employees within the • Bondurant Lumber & Hardware, Inc ,
industry More than 2100 cards have been Brewton,
issued to employees that work in the LP- AL Class F Permit
Gas industry in Alabama Unfortunately, • Cullman Campground LLC, Cullman, AL
we believe that there are still some existing Class F Permit
employees that have not completed the • Snap Rocky, Inc , McCalla, AL
application process to obtain their cards Class F Permit
Board Inspectors will begin, during the • Tractor Supply Company #2170, Pell City,
course of daily duties, checking for Employee AL Class F Permit
Competency Cards among industry personnel The next regular quarterly meeting of the
The cards serve dual purposes First, they Alabama LP-Gas Board will be July 03, 2018
provide evidence that new employees have at 10:00 a m at the AUM Center for Lifelong
completed all examination requirements Learning located at 75 TechnaCenter Drive,
Secondly, the possession of a card proves Montgomery, AL 36117 You are invited and
existing employees have been researched encouraged to attend We remind you to visit
and their records are on file For existing our website at www lpgb alabama gov as a
employees, documentation had to be valuable source of current information from
retrieved and provided with their Employee the board. ■
7 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2018