Page 11 - may-june 2018_Neat
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Tuesday Activities

                                                                 Hangin’ on the Beach
                                                                 A full day of relaxation,
                                                                 fellowship, fun and sun will
                                                                 be had by all who join us
                                                                 on the beach. We will have
                                                                 a designated area reserved
                                                                 just for us with chairs and
                                                                 umbrellas. The $25 regis-
                                                                 tration fee gets you ONE
                                                                 cushioned lounge chair, shared umbrella &
              Half Day Deep Sea Fishing Trip                     table, and an assortment of snacks and bever-
              Meet at Zekes Marina by 6 a.m. The boat will leave   ages. For an additional $17 per person, you can
              at 6:30 a.m. for a 6hr trip. The Fairwater II is a 40   order a box lunch which will be delivered on the
              plus foot boat with an air conditioned inside cab and   EHDFK  <HV   ZH ZLOO KDYH FRUQ KROH IRU WKH ¿HUFH
              a nice, clean bathroom. Capt. Tom and his crew are   competitors in our group! This was the most
              VHDVRQHG YHWHUDQV LQ WKH ¿VKLQJ EXVLQHVV DQG ORYH   popular event the last time we were at the
              having kids aboard. If you want to enjoy your catch   beach so you will not want to miss the fun!
              immediately, take it inside Wolf Bay Lodge right
              there at the marina where they will cook it up for your
              lunch. The $180 registration fee includes everything                            Groovin’ to the
              \RX QHHG WR ¿VK DQG HQMR\ WKH GD\   6QDFNV  VDQG-                               70’s Dinner &
              wiches and beverages will be provided.                                          Dance
                                                                                              There’s no better
                                                                                              way to end the
                                                                                              convention but with
                                                                                              a great party...that
                                                                                              is exactly what we
                                                                                              intend to do. Let’s
                                                                                              go back to the good
                                                                                              ole 70’s and dance
                                                                                              the night away. But,
                                                                                              you know what
                                                                                              will make this
              Chris Connally Memorial Golf Tournament            HYHQ EHWWHU   ¿QG D *URRYLQ¶   ¶V 2XW¿W DQG URFN
              Craft Farms’ two public courses, Cypress Bend and   it! Go all out...why not?! Our DJ will play all those
              Cotton Creek, are the only two courses in Alabama   great hits from the 70’s. We will have 70’s Trivia with
              designed by the golf icon himself, Arnold Palmer.   prizes and in the end, we will award CASH PRIZES
              We will play on Cypress Bend which will challenge   to the BEST 0DOH DQG )HPDOH *URRYLQ¶   ¶V 2XW¿W
              golfers at every level while providing a peaceful,
              serene environment of the natural Baldwin County
              $150 registration fee will include your green fee, cart,
              drinks, box lunch and prizes. To learn more about
              the course, click here.

     11                                            Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  May / June 2018
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