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AL/LA Summer Convention

                                                July 8-10, 2018

                Groovin’ Convention Information

                    The Alabama and Louisiana Propane Gas Associations are holding a Joint Summer Convention at the
              Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama on July 8-10, 2018.  This is the third year for the joint con-
              vention where we can learn from each other and build lasting relationships. We hope you will take advantage
              of this opportunity and join us for a spectacular event.
                    After reviewing all the seminar/meeting information and daily activities, you will see this convention is
              packed with excellent opportunities to network, gain industry knowledge and have a ton of fun. Load your fami-
              ly up and head our way. You will not be disappointed! We look forward to seeing you there!
                                  Chad Chavers                   Seth Johnson
                                  APGA  President                LPGA  President
                   Sunday Welcome                                   Monday Activities

              The convention will start Sunday evening at 6 p.m.
              with the Welcome Reception. This reception is being
              sponsored by both states’ Supplier Members. You
              will have plenty of time after the reception to enjoy

                  Monday Seminars/

                            Meetings                            Snorkel & Sail Cruise on the Wild Hearts
                                                                Take a 2 hr sail on the Wild Hearts into the beautiful
              Propane Safety - The Importance and Process of    Gulf of Mexico. During our sail, participate in a guid-
              Creating & Maintaining Propane Safety Policies    HG VQRUNHOLQJ DGYHQWXUH ZLWK D 3$', FHUWL¿HG GLYH
              and Procedures                                    master and see the abundance of marine wildlife na-
              Wes Sheppard with P3 Propane will discuss the rea-  tive to our coast or just relax on the catamaran and
              sons why an organization’s Propane Safety Policies   soak up the sun. The $55 registration fee will include
              and Procedures are the operational foundation for   snorkeling equipment, bottled water, soft drinks and
              DOO LWV EXVLQHVV SURFHVVHV  &OHDU SROLFLHV GH¿QH D   a spread of light hors d’oeuvres. You are welcome
              business. (CE credits available for LPGA Members)   to bring coolers with alcoholic beverages (no glass
              Dept. of Homeland Security: Active Shooter
              Training (Run, Hide, Fight)
              Jack Clark, retired Alabama State Trooper, will walk                 Dessert Extravaganza,
              you through statistics of active shooter incidents and               Reverse Raffle & Silent
              provide you with knowledge on when you should run,                   Auction
              when you should hide and when your only option is                    Monday evening, make your
              WR ¿JKW  7KLV WUDLQLQJ LV YDOXDEOH  H\H RSHQLQJ DQG                  way to this spectacular event
              life saving! (CE credits available for LPGA Members)                 which will support the David
              (WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO BRING YOUR                                      Reaves and Don Haden Schol-
              SPOUSE/GUEST TO THIS PRESENTATION)                 arships in Alabama and the Marie Daniel Scholarship
                                                                 LQ /RXLVLDQD   $OO UHJLVWUDWLRQV LQFOXGH 2QH 5DႉH
              Association Meetings                               Ticket per person (you are encouraged to buy addi-
              Please see the agenda for other association meet-  WLRQDO UDႉH WLFNHWV RQ WKH UHJLVWUDWLRQ IRUP   7KH ODVW
              ings.                                              ticket out will win $1,000 in cash (additional prizes
                                                                 will be distributed throughout the drawing). We will
                                                                 also have a few Silent Auction items up for bid.
                                                                 Please consider donating an item to the auction.

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