Page 15 - may-june 2018_Neat
P. 15
apartment complex with a Flue tional reported gas odor or leak taking plaintiff’s deposition and
Gas Analysis report for each since that time, and plaintiff’s conducting other discovery,
boiler showing the boilers were husband providing information the apartment complex filed
properly tuned about her fall which seriously a summary judgment motion
Twenty days later, on called into question the claim of citing similar undisputed facts
July 29, 2013, plaintiff fell down being dizzy due to a gas leak, as listed above and stating
some steps and broke her plaintiff still brought a lawsuit, no evidence existed of a gas
ankle She claimed a gas leak but only against the apartment leak on the date plaintiff fell
caused her to become disori- complex Note that a summary judgment
entated and dizzy which motion is basically a re-
led to her fall. Significantly Documents create a quest to the court to decide
though during that same paper reality we call whether there are material
20-day period from July 9, facts in dispute which would
2013 to July 29, 2013, apart- proof. ~Mason Cooley warrant a trial If there are
ment complex staff mem- no such disputed material
bers were working in the facts, the court can decide
area of the boilers and no one The Lawsuit. the issues as a matter of law
detected the presence of a gas Plaintiff filed her lawsuit In support of the sum-
odor or leak Plaintiff did not re- against the apartment com- mary judgment motion, the
port an odor or leak during this plex asserting negligence and
time frame either Additionally, premises liability claims After ...Continued on page 16
plaintiff’s husband came
into the leasing office on
August 5, 2013 on another Looking for a reliable,
matter and mentioned his
wife (plaintiff) fell when she customized supply plan?
missed the last two steps on
the short stairway leading
to the sidewalk and that Crestwood’s experienced NGL professionals can help you create a
reliable, yet flexible supply plan from the Dixie Pipeline or Hattiesburg.
she had been falling a lot
lately He didn’t mention Want to know more???
Call Max Johnson today to see how Crestwood can help you with index
she was dizzy or smelled a pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or our transportation
gas leak but did say she and storage capabilities.
had been going up and Max Johnson | Supply/Asset Manager-Southeast
down the steps for about
an hour moving boxes from D: (816) 329.5316
the apartment into the de- C: (913) 972.5721
tached garage before she ICE ID: mjohnson31
Despite the gas
service technician’s last
inspection and testing
which showed no issues
with the boilers, no addi-
15 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2018