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Annual Retail Propane Sales Survey

                    For over two decades the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) has sponsored the
             annual survey of odorized propane sales through the American Petroleum Institute (API)  Beginning this
             year, PERC is partnering with ICF to undertake this essential industry initiative
                    Also new this year, you will now be able to submit your survey online at www propane com/
             survey  Not only will the online survey be easier to complete, you will be able to track your company’s
             information year after year  These changes will result in an easier to complete, more timely, and more
             accurate report, while also providing you and your company with increased access to useful informa-
             tion for business planning, benchmarking, and market intelligence
                    Why should you complete this survey?
                    •  Under the Propane Education and Research Act, the legislation that established PERC, 20
             percent of annual assessment collections are eligible for rebate back to the states  Each state’s alloca-
             tion of rebate funds is based on the latest retail sales data for residential, commercial, industrial, inter-
             nal-combustion engine fuel, and agricultural uses and sales to retail dispensers that are compiled using
             the responses to this survey  Your response to the Retail Propane Sales Survey is crucial to ensure that
             your state receives an accurate allocation of rebate funding, 20 percent of PERC’s annual revenues
             State rebate funds are used to support programs such as irrigation, vehicle, forklift, and safe appliance
             rebate programs, workforce training initiatives, and consumer safety programs, just to name a few
                    •  In addition to the local level benefits awarded based on the survey data, the information
             you provide improves the Propane Industry’s understanding of the market trends and growth oppor-
             tunities at the national level and ensures that PERC funds and programs are directed toward the most
             effective ways to support the industry
                                                                              To participate:
                                                                                     Starting this year, you can
                                                                              now complete the survey entirely
                                                                                     •  To take the online, web-
                      Bobtails     to       Bulkplants                        based version, visit:
                                                                              www propane com/survey
                                                                                     •  If needed, you can still
                                                                              complete a written survey  To re-
                                                                              quest a copy please email:
                                                                              survey@propane com

                  New Bobtails  Betts Vapor Proof Lights:  New Installations         If you have any questions
                Refurbished Bobtails  complete stock of lights, lens   Maintenance & Repairs  regarding the survey, survey ac-
                Hydrostatic Testing  & accessories    All Work Performed to NFPA 58
               Annual VK Inspections  Chelsea PTO & Equipment:  Code Upgrades  cess, or your participation, please
               Annual DOT Inspections  power take offs, drive shafts   Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal
              Base Engineering Shutdown  & accessories                        contact ICF:
                                                                              Toll Free- 833-286-0860
                                  FREE ESTIMATES                              9 a.m. – 7 p.m. EST
              40 Industry Drive   Jason Gamble, Owner            (256) 593-2420  Monday through Friday
              Boaz, AL 35956         (205) 616-9084              (800) 757-6639  Email:
              Email:                     Fax: (256) 593-2460

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