Page 16 - may-june 2018_Neat
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Continued from page 15... idence of a leak The apartment plex knew or should have known
complex also argued allegations a dangerous condition existed
apartment complex cited to about aldehydes or other boiler but failed to warn her or repair
evidence based on the gas issues were outside the scope the condition The Court again
company technician’s three of the claims in the lawsuit The disagreed noting the apartment
service calls to the property, trial court agreed, granted the complex “was never on notice
including inspections and testing summary judgment motion and of a natural gas leak;” the gas
which showed no evidence of entered a judgment in favor of company technician did multi-
a gas leak Plaintiff opposed the the apartment complex Plaintiff ple inspections of the boilers and
motion asserting questions of appealed the decision did not find a gas leak and the
disputed material fact existed plumbing company serviced the
about whether the boilers were Appellate Court Decision. boilers to make sure they were
unsafe due to emissions of gas On appeal, plaintiff working and properly tuned In
or aldehydes and whether a urged the Court to consider affirming the trial court’s deci-
“noxious odor from the boilers her argument that there was a sion, the Court determined no
caused her to become dizzy “triable issue” on whether a dan- triable issue existed as to wheth-
and fall ” The apartment com- gerous condition existed at the er the apartment complex had
plex countered these arguments apartment complex based on reason to know of a gas leak
by stating plaintiff brought the evidence she offered of a “nox- that would have created a duty
lawsuit based on allegations of ious odor” from the boilers in the to “either warn or repair the con-
a gas leak and there was no ev- weeks before her fall The Court dition ” The Court also awarded
disagreed the apartment complex its costs
A Change Worth Making stating to on appeal ***
establish a
To the all in one regulator triable issue The lawsuit discussed
with integrated dielectric union as to a dan- above inferentially underscores
gerous condi- that maintaining proper and
tion, plaintiff complete service call, inspec-
“was required tion and repair records can go
to provide a long way in reducing expo-
evidence sure and litigation for propane
of a natural marketers in alleged gas-related
gas leak as incidents The case also illustrates
opposed to a that unfortunately, claims can
generic nox- be made in a lawsuit with little,
ious odor ” On if any viable basis for recovery,
the issue of again making proper documen-
duty, plaintiff tation of all service calls, inspec-
asserted there tions, and testing a vital part of
were material risk management efforts. ■
disputed facts
about wheth- [Kathryn A. (“Katy”) Regier is an attor-
ney with the Sandberg, Phoenix & von
er the apart- Gontard, P.C. law firm in its Kansas City,
MO office. She can be contacted at: | 800.448.9504 ment com- or (816)
Your questions answered by the people who know propane equipment. 425-9683.]
16 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2018