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Blossman Gas of Opelik
a Hosts
Blossman Gas of Opelika Hosts
Alabama State Senator Jay Ho v e y
Alabama State Senator Jay Hovey
From left: Bert Hallmark (Blossman Gas), Laural Bunn (APGA), and Senator Jay Hovey (R-27)
n late 2024, Blossman Gas and APGA hosted State Senator Hovey is no stranger to the benefits of pro-
Senator Jay Hovey at their Opelika branch. Branch pane. Senator Hovey is the son of a third-generation
Manager, Bert Hallmark, his staff, and APGA Execu- small-business owner and has served in roles with the
Itive Director, Laural Bunn, rolled out the red carpet Alabama Small Business Advisory Commission. Senator
for the Senator providing a tour of their retail branch Hovey currently sits on several committees includ-
facility, and their bulk plant situated next to the Dixie ing the Finance and Taxation Education, County and
Pipeline. Municipal Government, Education Policy, Banking and
Senator Jay Hovey represents Senate Dis- Insurance, Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Develop-
trict 27 which includes Lee, Russell, and Tallapoosa ment, and Transportation and Energy Committees.
Counties. Hovey is a proud conservative Christian APGA would like to thank Blossman Gas of
Republican, and seeks to uphold the the values of the Opelika, and branch manager, Bert Hallmark and his
people who make his district great. "I vote the way I do staff for their hospitality. On-site visits are an excellent
because it's what I believe. It's not about what it can way for industry members to meet and learn more
get me. It's not about what I owe someone or what about their representatives while sharing the benefits
someone owes me. It's not about my ego or how much of propane and the important role that propane and
power I can wield. It's about what's right for District 27 the industry plays in the lives of their constituents. If
and the conservative, Christian people of Alabama." you are interested in hosting a state representative at
As a native of Lee County who grew up in a your location, please contact APGA Executive Director,
small farmhouse with his family in rural Marvyn, Ala, Laural Bunn.■
20 Alabama Propane Gas Association | January / February 2025