Page 11 - mayjune2024_neat
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On Monday, June 24th, we'll kick off the con-  with marketers to ensure they are informed on PERC’s
            vention with a fabulous Welcome Reception sponsored   programs and resources, and how to best implement
            by the Alabama and Louisiana Supplier Members. Begin   them in their company to grow gallons and uses for
            networking as event-goers gather together to celebrate   propane.
            the opening of the this year's annual convention. All      After the NPGA Welcome and PERC Update,
            attendees are welcome. There will be hors' de ouvres to   attendee's are invited to this year's featured workshop,
            enjoy. Attendees will receive two complimentary drink   Regulatory Issues Training Seminar, with NPGA's Ben-
            tickets with registration. Following the Welcome Recep-  jamin Nussdorf. Ben has extensive experience in gov-
            tion, attendees are on their own for dinner.       ernmental affairs and the energy industry and has been
                   Tuesday morning, we'll gather for a breakfast   with NPGA since October 2022. The Regulatory Work-
            sponsored by Warm Thoughts Communications. After   shop will focus on the following:
            breakfast, we'll begin with joint seminars and featured   •   What to do when there is a state regulation which
            guests. Benjamin Nussdorf, Vice President of Regulatory   concerns you or impacts you?
            and Administrative Affairs and General Counsel for the
            National Propane Gas Association, will welcome attend-  •  What to do when there is a federal regulation which
            ees, discuss NPGA's Issues of Importance, and invite   concerns you or impacts you?
            attendees to learn more about NPGA's advocacy efforts   •  What to do if there is a business development
            in the politically-charged landscape of Washington, DC   which is impacting you, and you think NPGA can
            and across the country.                                lend a hand?
                   Next, Kirstain McArdle, Manager of Industry   •  How and when can I get engaged in Federal Regula-
            Engagement for the Propane Education and Research      tions and grants? Am I on my own here?
            Council will provide the membership with the PERC   •  How to write an impactful/thoughtful/meaningful
            Update. At PERC, Kirstain is responsible for the devel-  regulatory comment?
            opment and execution of strategic programs that drive
            engagement with propane marketers and state associ-        Participants are encouraged to come with ques-
            ations across the country.  She says she enjoys working   tions or concerns. Following the workshop, each state
                                                               will hold their association meetings separately.

              Benjamin Nussdorf

               Kirstain McArdle

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