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from the executive director’s desk

                         ith all the activity that has been      to expand the awareness
                         happening around the APGA office,       that clean, affordable, and
                         it is hard to believe that it is already   renewable energy like pro-
           WSummer! Alabama's propane indus-                     pane ensures equity on a
            try has scored a win on the legislative front, with   path to zero emissions. To
            Senate Bill 50 being enacted this session. SB 50     promote propane power
            provides legal protections for end-use applications   generation, APGA hosted
            of propane. I would like to personally thank every-  Scott Mook (Evergreen
            one who joined the engage campaign to support this   Mobile Power) and the
            important safeguard for the industry. Currently, I am   Juice Box, at the APGA of-
            working with other industry association executives   fice in early March. Next,
            to ask for an amendment to House Bill 73 to restore   APGA and PERC teamed up      Laural Bunn
            the original 5% cap on annual tax increases and put   to promote propane autogas at the 2024 ALTRANS
            a stop to excessive property tax increases. Property   Annual Spring Conference in Gulf Shores. See page
            tax increases in Alabama are out of control. Some    19 for details.
            counties across the state have increased property           Mark your calendar for these upcoming
            taxes by as much as 68% year-to-year, and home-      events. It’s Time to Complete the Annual Retail Sales
            owners, land owners, and businesses are suffering    Survey! Reports are due by May 15th. The grant
            as a result. Join the engage campaign and send a     funds available to Alabama PERC come from the
            pre-written message to your legislator and request   annual sales report. Your participation in the Annual
            their support for a permanent 5% property tax cap    Sales Report is essential to the Propane Education
            for Alabama’s property owners.                       Foundation of Alabama. See page 9 for details.
                   I am proud to announce that I have been       Hurricane season starts June 1st, and the National
            named as one of PERC's Leadership in Energy Am-      Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
            bassadors for 2024. The program aims to educate      has designated May 5th -11th as National Hurricane
            and empower members of the propane industry to       Preparedness Week. See page 33 for helpful links.
            engage in conversations at the state and local level   Propane Days will be held June 1st-4th in Washing-
                                                                                     ton, D.C.  APGA would like to
                                                                                     have a member from each of
                                                                                     the seven congressional dis-
                                                                                     tricts to represent Alabama.
                                                                                     We would love for you to join
                     Bobtails     to       Bulkplants                                us! See page 29 for the event
                                                                                     details. The 2024 APGA/LPGA
                                                                                     Joint Summer Convention will
                                                                                     be held on June 24th-26th at
                                                                                     the Pensacola Hilton, in Pen-
                                                                                     sacola, FL. Rooms are going
                                                                                     quickly! Don't miss out on the
                 New Bobtails   Betts Vapor Proof Lights:      New Installations
               Refurbished Bobtails  complete stock of lights, lens   Maintenance & Repairs  fun  - book now! See page 10
                Hydrostatic Testing  & accessories         All Work Performed to NFPA 58
              Annual VK Inspections  Truck Meter &             Code Upgrades         for details.
              Annual DOT Inspections  Dispenser Calibration  Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal
             Base Engineering Shutdown                                                 Please feel free to contact me
                                                                                     anytime to discuss your needs
                                    FREE ESTIMATES                                   or concerns. I'm always happy

             40 Industry Drive      Jason Gamble, Owner                (256) 593-2420  to help our members and to
             Boaz, AL 35956            (205) 616-9084                  (800) 757-6639  promote the propane industry
             Email:                             Fax: (256) 593-2460  in Alabama.■

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