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                                                   HR Consultants to Management

                                    HR NOTEBOOK

                                                For Your Most Important Resource

                              ELECTRONIC RECORD KEEPING

                                       For HUMAN RESOURCES

                 In today’ high tech business environment it’s        files are maintained properly as outlined in
                 commonplace for employers to go digital,             the first bullet above.
                 converting employee personnel paper files to      x  Final destruction of the original, hard-copy
                 electronic records. The first question often         paper records must be done effectively.
                 asked is, are there any laws that forbid or restrict   Dumping them in a trashcan could create a
                 me from abandoning my paper files or from            significant risk, particularly when personal
                 going totally digital? So let’s start there.         information is included.  The Federal Trade
                 Electronic storage of personnel files is allowed     Commission (FTC) recommends:
                 under federal employment laws. But there are             o Shredding, burning or otherwise
                 requirements and stipulations that vary                     completely destroying them so that
                 according to the specific government agency,                no information can be read
                 the type of file and the information being stored
                 electronically.                                          o Hire a certified contractor
                                                                             specialized in document destruction.
                  Basic Guide                                      x  The records must be maintained in

                 x  All the rules for maintaining HR paper files,     reasonable order, in a safe, accessible place,
                    re what’s in them, who may see them, how          and in a manner that may be readily
                    long they must be kept, security, etc., will all  inspected or examined. Strive for ways to
                    apply to your electronic files. Primary focus     improve search ability.
                    includes FMLA, Medical, OSHA, EEOC,            x  A quality assurance program with regular
                    HIPAA and I-9 records.                            evaluations of the electronic systems and

                 x  You may destroy the paper files after they        periodic check-ups on the reliability of the
                    are stored electronically. But first check        working procedures is required, including
                    your new files to see if any are not easily       protocol for power failures.
                    readable, or if there are smudged areas,       x  Establish rigid security protocols assuring
                    illegible or questionable text. If so, you must   that only authorized individuals can access
                    keep the hard, paper copy of those specific       files
                                                                   x  Your new records must have reasonable
                 x  It’s also advisable to keep those hard copy,      controls to ensure the accuracy, authenticity
                    paper files until you are confident and           and reliability of all documents
                    comfortable with your new technology. But
                    assure that both the old as well as the new

    22                                Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  November / December 2021
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