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report from npga state director
                                                                                          by: Mark Denton
                    PGA hosted its Annual Meeting, Summer      top federal legislative
                    Board of Directors Meeting, and Propane    policy initiatives and
                    Days in Washington, DC, June 2-5, 2024.    Tyler Levins, a Congres-
          NBusiness included Committee and Section             sional staffer for Rep.
            meetings; policy discussions; a presentation on the up-  Julia Letlow (R-LA), pro-
            coming election year; a propane bus panel discussion;   vided general guidance
            a PropanePAC event; and much more. Outgoing Chair   on holding successful
            Jeff Stewart passed the gavel to Tom Van Buren, the   meetings with Members
            new Chair of the Board of Directors.               of Congress. NPGA mem-
                                                               bers and staff met with
            Here are some of the key updates from the meetings:
                                                               over 220 offices across
            Marketers Section                                  the House and Senate.
                   Marketers Section Chair Daniel Dixon wel-   The successful day concluded with a reception on
            comed the incoming Chair, Brian Brooks, of Brooks   Capitol Hill with Members of Congress and their staff
            Gas and Vice Chair Ray Galan of Ferrellgas to their   in attendance.
            new positions. Tucker Perkins, President and CEO of   PropanePAC
            PERC, spoke about the opportunities and challeng-
            es the propane industry faces and emphasized the           PropanePAC hosted a well-attended reception
            importance of safety and training. The Marketers   honoring its donors at President Lincoln’s Cottage
            Section held in-person regional district breakout   where guests enjoyed a tour of the President’s historic
            meetings grouped together by geography as well as   summer home.
            similarities in legislative and regulatory challenges.      The PropanePAC also hosted an engaging
            District 5 Director, Tom Jaenicke, provided a highlight   Propane, Politics, & Coffee event with Scott Tranter,
            summary of the breakout sessions.                  Director of Data Science at Decision Desk HQ. Trant-
                                                               er presented an engaging overview of the upcoming
                   Director of Regulatory Affairs and Associate   Presidential election and other key races using in-
            General Counsel Kate Gaziano moderated a lively    formation from real-time race calls and polling data.
            panel discussion on propane buses and Autogas. Kate   Tranter offered potential scenarios of election results
            highlighted several key federal grant opportunities,   and then discussed the possible effects on the pro-
            including the EPA Clean School Bus Program, the FTA   pane industry, citing which outcomes would be most
            program, and the DERA Program. She also shared     favorable.  By studying the Presidential, House, and
            propane’s success in the most recent round of the   Senate races, Decision Desk HQ election forecasting
            EPA’s Clean School Bus funding. The four panelists   allows marketers a look into how regulatory standards
            provided additional information:
                                                               and the legislative landscape may change after this
                   Todd Mouw, EVP of Roush CleanTech, shared   year’s election.
            resources on supplying propane buses; Scott Under-
            wood of Altogas, Michigan Autogas Chairman and             Outgoing PAC Steering Committee Chair
            MPGA President, discussed Autogas and working      Stephanie Hennen of Lakes Gas welcomed Andrew
            with localities in Michigan; John Philips, President of   Vogl of Ray Murray Inc. as the new Steering Commit-
            Phillips Energy, discussed Autogas infrastructure and   tee Chair for the upcoming year.
            customer relationships; and Brad Blair of the Illinois   Policy Discussions
            PGA shared how Township, IL successfully converted         NPGA General Counsel Benjamin Nussdorf
            a substantial portion of their municipal diesel fleet to   conducted a fireside chat with former FMCSA Deputy
            propane.                                           Administrator and Chief Counsel Earl Adams. The con-
            Propane Days – Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill        versation touched on a number of subjects, includ-
                                                               ing regional Hours of Service Waivers and the ELDT
                   Before heading to Capitol Hill NPGA staffers
            Michael Baker and Rhett Johnson reviewed NPGA’s    Program. Mr. Adams provided insight on how FMCSA
                                                               evaluates requests for Hours of Service Waivers, and

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