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2024 Pr                    opane Da                         y   s
                             2024 Pr opane Da y s

                                        APGA on             Cap      it ol Hill
                                        APGA on Capitol Hill
                   he National Propane Gas Association’s (NPGA)
                   Propane Days is an annual event that includes
                   NPGA’s Annual Board of Directors Meeting
            Tand the association’s advocacy day on Capitol
            Hill. NPGA also provides event attendees with an issue
            briefing covering NPGA’s current legislative priorities,
            a discussion about best practices for conducting or
            participating in congressional meetings, and then hosts
            a congressional reception to network and socialize
            with representatives and their staffers at the end of the
            advocacy day. As the propane industry faces legislative
            and regulatory challenges, it is of the utmost impor-
            tance for association members to meet with their fed-
            eral legislators to have the opportunity to discuss the
            issues impacting the propane industry and the consum-
            ers in their respective districts.
                   On June 2-4, members of APGA and other pro-
            pane industry leaders from across the country joined
            together in Washington, DC for the industry's annual
            advocacy day, Propane Days. This year, APGA was repre-
            sented by APGA Vice President, Daniel Brown (Economy  of freedom, justice, and humility. Being in the cottage
            Gas), Joe Rosengrant (Cetane Associates), and Execu-  and hearing from its tour guides provided an inspira-
            tive Director, Laural Bunn. This was the first year that   tional start to the week's activities.  A Bus Panel, PERC
            APGA has participated in Propane Days since 2019.   Update, Fireside Chats, and the NPGA Annual Meeting

                   On Sunday, June 2nd, Propane Days kicked     and Board of Directors Meeting filled the schedule on
            off with a Presidential Forum for State Executives and   June 3rd.
            their associations President or Vice President. During      Prior to heading to Capitol Hill to advocate for
            the Presidential Forum, the group discussed issues that   the industry, NPGA scheduled a morning issue briefing
            were facing each state and the ways in which those   to discuss the issues that would be covered with each
            issues have been addressed to date, both successfully   of the representatives from different districts. This year,
            and unsuccessfully.                                 there were five issues that were to be addressed: Ener-
                   Sunday evening, a PropanePAC Reception was   gy Choice, Appropriations, Alternative Fuel Tax Credits,
            held at President Lincoln's Cottage. President Lincoln   the National Defense Reauthorization Act, and support-
            and Soldiers' Home National Monument, sometimes     ing propane in the Farm Bill.
            shortened to President Lincoln's Cottage, is a nation-  Energy Choice
            al monument on the grounds of the Soldiers' Home,          State governments and municipalities across
            known today as the Armed Forces Retirement Home.    the Nation have taken systematic steps to limit the
            For more than a quarter of his presidency, Abraham   availability of consumer products. Propane is a vital fuel
            Lincoln lived at what we now call President Lincoln’s   for consumers across the country. It is a clean, afford-
            Cottage.  The tour guide said this was where Lincoln   able, and reliable domestic energy source for over five
            made some of his most critical decisions about free-  million households in America. Restricting access would
            dom, the Union, and the presidency.  Lincoln’s ex-  have devastating consequences. More than ever, we
            periences at the Cottage provided him and those he   need to ensure that federal agencies do not restrict
            influenced with new and diverse perspectives on issues
                                                                consumer choice in using propane furnaces, stoves and

    12                                            Alabama Propane Gas Association  | July / August 2024
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