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2024 APGA Scholarship

                                       Award Recipients

                  ach year, the Alabama Propane Gas Association
                  offers three scholarships to three deserving stu-          APGA
                  dents from Alabama's propane industry. APGA
          Ereceived several applications from exceptional
            young students across the state. The APGA Scholarship
            Selection Committee then chooses the scholarship
            recipients through a blind selection process. The 2024
            APGA Scholarship recipients for the Don Haden Schol-
            arship, William "Bill" Montgomery Scholarship, and the
            David Reaves Scholarship have been chosen. Please
            continue reading to learn more about these excep-
            tional young students and how they plan to use their
            scholarship awards to achieve their goals.
            Don Haden Scholarship
                   Rylee Holloway is the daughter of Amy Hollo-  demonstrated the ability to motivate and guide a team
            way of Roanoke, Alabama. Rylee graduated from Wad-  towards shared goals. Rylee credits her strong sense of
            ley High School in 2021 with a 3.08 GPA. She plans to   responsibility as a guiding principle in her academic and
            attend Southern Union Community College to become   personal life, as she recognizes the impact her actions
            a Veterinary Technician. While in high school, Rylee ex-  have on the world around her and takes responsibility
            hibited a strong work ethic and strong leadership skills.   for them. She also said that her sense of responsibility
            She worked as an intern at Superior Gas in Roanoke,   goes beyond her to encompass her commitment to
            participated in Varsity Softball, Varsity Volleyball, and   social and environmental causes.
            Varsity Track and Field. Aside from athletic endeavors,      "The financial support provided by this schol-
            she also found time to dedicate her talents as the Edi-  arship will enable me to focus more fully on my aca-
            tor of the Yearbook, a reporter for the Future Farmers   demic pursuit and extracurricular activities, allowing
            of America and the Student Government Association,   me to unlock my full potential." - Rylee Holloway
            while also participating in Key Club, Fellowship of Chris-
            tian Athletes. Rylee was also a Chamber of Commerce        Rylee believes her work ethic, strong leadership
            Ambassador and an ASF Student Ambassador.           skills, and sense of responsibility are the driving forces
                                                                behind her successes. She said that this scholarship
                   This exceptional young lady was also nom-    opportunity will further empower her to harness these
            inated for the Youth Leadership Award in Randolph   leadership qualities, and allow her to make a positive
            County. Rylee's high school English teacher said, "Her   impact in her life and the programs she participates in.
            commitment to excellence, coupled with her positive
            attitude and strong interpersonal skills truly set her   William "Bill" Montgomery Scholarship
            apart." Brian Segrest from Superior Gas said that she      Ian Hadaway is the son of Michael Hadaway
            is a "well-rounded individual with high moral character   of Gardendale, Alabama. Ian graduated from Garden-
            who loves her family, community, and strives to excel in   dale High School with a 4.22 GPA. Ian plans to attend
            all her endeavors."                                 Wallace State Community College. He hopes to have a
                   Rylee said that throughout her academic and   career in engineering some day.
            athletic journey, she sought out opportunities to help,      During his time at Gardendale High School,
            lead, and inspire others. Whether serving as the cap-  Ian received awards for his academic achievements,
            tain of the Wadley High School Varsity Softball team or   was recognized as a valedictorian for his class, won
            becoming the editor for the yearbook, she consistently   an achievement award for academic excellence from

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