Page 19 - july august2024_neat
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                                 APGA B         oard o           f D    irec     t  o  rS
                                 APGA Board of DirectorS

                       n June 25th, the 2023-2024 Board of
                       Directors held its last meeting of the year
                       at the APGA/LPGA Summer Convention in
           OPensacola Beach, FL. During the General
            Membership Meeting, Nominating Committee Chair-
            man, Jessie Morgan, introduced the 2024-2025 slate of
            officers. After the report from the Nominating Commit-
            tee, in accordance with APGA by-laws, the opportunity
            was provided for additional nominations from the floor.
            No additional nominations were made, and the new of-
            ficers were officially elected. The Supplier Director was
            elected by APGA's Active-Supplier members during the
            Supplier Meeting earlier that morning and the NPGA
            State Director was elected by the NPGA.
                   A special election has been called to elect the
            2024-2025 District Directors. In the interim, the Board
            of Directors has appointed Brittany Watkins to con-
            tinue serving as the South District Director. The APGA   Clockwise from Top Left: South District Director, Brittany Watkins,
            Board also approved a special election timeline, that   Secretary/Treasurer, Rainer Montgomery; Vice President, Daniel
            would allow for an announcement of the results in the   Brown; President, Bubba Quick; NPGA VP Industry & Regulatory
                                                               Affairs and General Counsel, Benjamin Nussdorf; Supplier Director,
            September issue of APGA News. Requests for nomina-  Rick Foster; NPGA State Director, Mark Denton; and Immediate
            tions have been sent out and nominations are open.   Past President, Jessie Morgan honoring Daniel Brown for his service
            Nominations may be any active owner or employee of   as Secretary/Treasurer for 2023-2024.
            any active member who resides in that district. Once   2024-2025 APGA Board of Directors
            nominations have been made, ballots will be sent out.
            For more information about the responsibilities of   •  President: Bubba Quick, CUI
            APGA District Directors, please contact Laural Bunn.  •  Vice President: Daniel Brown, Economy Gas Service
                   Following the recognition ceremony, the newly   •  Secretary/Treasurer: Rainer Montgomery, Superior
            elected officers were officially installed. Vice President,   Gas
            Regulatory and Industry Affairs, and General Counsel   •  Northern District Director: Vacant
            for NPGA, Benjamin Nussdorf, was on-hand to conduct
            the installation ceremony.                         •  Southern District Director: Brittany Watkins,
                                                                   Thompson Gas
                   The board will meet at least three times over
            the next year, with one meeting being held in con-  •  Immediate Past President: Jessie Morgan, Thomp-
            junction with the Annual Summer Convention. The        son Gas
            next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled to be   •  NPGA State Director: Mark Denton, Blossman Gas
            held at the 2024 Fall Gathering on September 27th, at
            the Lake Guntersville State Park Lodge in Guntersville,   •  Supplier Director: Rick Foster, Accurate Meter Ser-
            AL. The room block for the Fall Gathering has already   vices
            opened. For details about the meeting, please turn to      Please join me in welcoming the newly elected
            page 25 of this issue. The room block deadline is July   APGA Board. We look forward to another year of great
            28th, so please make your reservation now.         leadership. ■

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