Page 23 - july august2024_neat
P. 23

PERC Releases Home Construction Research
             PER      C R    eleases Home Cons                          truction R            esear       ch

               Building with Propane Benefits the Environment,
               Building with Propane Benefits the Environment,
                  Homeowners, and Construction Prof
                  Homeowners, and Construction Professionals
            T                                                    The program collected data directly from 1,673 home-
                   he Propane Construction Research Program
                                                                       PERC has released the results of the 2023 PCRP.
                   (PCRP) from the Propane Education and
                   Research Council (PERC) is designed to col-
                                                               builders for homes built in 2023. The collected data
                   lect data from participating builders to inform
                                                               on the benefits and usage of propane in the residential
            research about propane use in the residential build-  enabled PERC to generate updated research findings
            ing industry. As part of the program, participants are   construction industry.
            required to complete a survey about the homes they         The PCRP found that participating builders
            build or remodel using propane. Survey topics include   helped eliminate an impressive 19 million pounds of
            any challenges participants may be facing, consumer   CO2 from the environment by incorporating propane
            perceptions, and project details such as comparable   in their projects. Findings from the program also found
            selling price and time on market. Completion of the   that propane-powered appliances are more efficient
            survey is required. Once emissions data and survey   and can reduce home energy costs for homeowners.
            responses are submitted, the qualified and selected   Learn more about the Propane Construction Research
            construction professionals receive monetary compensa-  Program here.■
            tion for up to $1,500 per project.

                                          The Equivalency: Adding Up the Impact
                   The 2023 Propane Construction Research Program helped to eliminate more than 19,000,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent.
                                                This is equal to greenhouse emissions from:

                     2,094                    990,023                 580,836,652                  1,736
               gasoline-powered passenger   gallons of gasoline consumed  smartphones charged  homes' energy use for one year
               vehicles driven for one year

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