Page 4 - may-june 2021_Neat
P. 4

word from the president

                      kay…so here we are   Hopefully, the        addition, APGA has put together district meetings
                      pandemic known as Covid-19 is finally      which we have not had in quite a while  They are May
                      on the downturn and most everyone is       4th in Greenville for the South District and May 6th
           Ovaccinated, if that is their desire  With the        in Birmingham for the North District  The Importance
            exception of most employees working indoors, the     of Documentation is the topic, as well as an LP Gas
            masks are coming off  Most businesses and eating     Board Recap from the past winter  In regard to
            establishments are relaxing the mask requirements    documentation, in this liability conscious world we live
            to “optional” at best  In my travels around the state,   in today, you know what they say   “If it isn’t written
            I have been to areas where very few people wear      down/documented, it never happened ”
            them, and yet in other parts, many still have them        On another front of
            on  I guess what I am trying to say is hopefully life as   the new normal, if any one
            we know it is returning to normal or as close as we   good thing came from being
            will probably ever get to it again  I know I am being   held hostage in our homes,
            optimistic when I say “normal” but it is my desire to   or behind a mask in the past
            return to a time when handshakes and hugs are        year, it is the emergence of
            welcome ways of greeting friends and family, and     Zoom or Teams meetings  They
            long gone are the days of hesitantly and reluctantly   have certainly revolutionized
            extending your hand for a “fist-bump” ...ugh!        the way meetings are
                 APGA is trying to get back to normal as well     conducted routinely  It has
            Recently at the Committee and Board Meetings held    also become an accepted
            in Prattville, we took a bold step and voted to move   practice for teaching from the
            forward with the Annual Convention that we partner   elementary level all the way
            with the Louisiana Propane Gas Association   After   to graduate school  Aligning   uBill Mayou
            much discussion, we put it out for a vote, and once   with this very movement,
            passed, reached out to the LPGA with our decision    Lisa and Mark Nelson set up the last APGA Committee
            In short, after their meeting, discussion and vote,   and Board Meeting for those unable or uncomfortable
            both associations agreed to once again have the      to be there in person to be able to tune in via Zoom
            joint convention late June in Pensacola Beach   In   There were several who took advantage of the
                                                                                     method and while certainly
                                                                                     none of us want it to take the
                                                                                     place of in-person attendance,
                                                                                     it is a viable alternative for
                                    DEALERS LP EQUIPMENT                             participation which ultimately is
                                    An Affiliate of R.E. Michel Company, LLC         the goal
                                                                                       I’m sure Lisa will elaborate
                                                                                     on it more, but she reached
                                                                                     out to me to schedule a
                           Your  SINGLE SOURCE  for                                  Board Member Conference
                                                                                     Call regarding furthering and
                                                                                     enhancing the opportunities
                                                                                     related to training and
                                                                                     meetings via Zoom  She has
                                                                                     a local company close to the
                                                                                     APGA office in Prattville that
                                                                                     has presented a proposal
                                                                                     to provide and install the
                                                                                     equipment necessary to be
                  ...and ALLALL your propane equipment needs!                        able to utilize the training
                                                                                     room in a professional online
                                                                                     Zoom style environment
                    Check us out online at                             The possibilities are endless
                                                                                     Obviously, the Board agreed to
                                  and follow us on                                   move forward with the idea, so
                                                                                     look for developments soon in
                                                                                     this endeavor
                          1405 Sinnett Avenue • Dothan, Alabama 36303                  I hope to see you all soon at
                                  800-433-8925                                       an APGA event  Get out and
                                                                                     enjoy this beautiful weather
                                                                                     “without” a mask ■

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