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from the executive director’s desk

              t is hard to believe that there are actual cities   which happened on April 27th   The bill has now
              and towns in the U S  that BAN the use of          been forwarded to the Governor for her signa-
              natural gas and/or propane  These govern-          ture! This will protect the rights of consumers to
          Iment entities have taken it upon themselves           choose their own energy source
            to choose what energy source consumers are                  May will be a busy month for our pro-
            allowed to use                                       pane lab installations at
                   In Alabama, we joined forces with the         Wallace  State - Hanceville;
            natural gas industry to push a piece of legisla-     Southern Union - Opelika;
            tion (HB446) that would “provide that no gov-        Wallace State - Eufaula; and
            ernmental entity may prohibit a person or entity     Bishop State - Mobile  These
            from using utility services from a provider that is   labs will compliment the pro-
            capable of providing service and is otherwise        pane curriculum approved
            authorized to do business in that state ” In the     by the Alabama Community
            legislation, “utility service” is defined as elec-   College System  Our hope is
            trical, natural gas or propane gas service pro-      to generate interest in work-   uLisa Hillu
            vided to an end user  HB446 passed the House,        ing in the propane industry and/or a related in-
            but in the Senate, an amendment which has            dustry such as HVAC and Plumbing which both
            no effect on us, was placed on the legislation       deal with the propane appliances  Our number
            and then passed by the Senate  Because of            one goal is to assist in the training and preparing
            the amendment, HB446 had to go back to the           of future service techs
            House for it to concur with the Senate version              That said, please consider signing your
                                                                                      service techs up for the
                  Looking for a reliable,                                             Designing and Installing

              customized supply plan?                                                 Propane Piping (VDS) on
                                                                                      June 8-10 and the Placing
                                                                                      Propane Systems (VDS)
                 Crestwood offers experienced NGL professionals committed to
                creating reliable, yet flexible supply plans that meet your needs.    and Appliances into
                             Things you may not know                                  Operation on July 20-22
                                    about Crestwood:                                  You can register now by
                   Assets include Hattiesburg, MS and Tirzah, SC both equipped with   clicking here
                   storage, truck rack and rail rack as well as multiple rail terminals      Finally, I hope you
                   in the Southeastern US.                                            will check out the Annual
                   Manage over 300,000 bbls/day of propane across the country with    Convention information
                   assets connected to major supply hubs.
                   One of the largest truck and rail propane fleets in the country, with   in this issue and consider
                   over 250 trucks and 2000 rail cars.                                joining us  After cancel-
                   Offer flexible price risk management solutions.                    ing the 2020 convention,
                                 Want to know more?                                   we are determined to
                        Call today for help with supply programs, index               hold this year’s event  The
                      pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or            Hilton in Pensacola, FL is
                           our transportation and storage capabilities.               a wonderful spot  I can
                                                  Max Johnson
                                                  Senior Supply and Asset Manager — Southeast  guarantee you a great
                                                 time ■
                                                  D: (816) 329.5316
                                                  C: (913) 972.5721
                                                  ICE ID: mjohnson31

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